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Narrator POV

Harmonious sounds of music mixed with the chirping of birds surrounded the guests at the wedding.

Everyone stood up and turned around to see Nora walking down the aisle with her father next to her.
You might think why the fuck is he walking her down the aisle. Well Nora insisted on it. Since their bond started to grow and Nora always wanted her dad beside her while walking her down the aisle.

For starters cause he's the only real parent she has left and deep down there was little Nora who dreamed of marrying someone she loves and having her father walk her down. As approval somehow and a huge part is to rub it under his nose that she is marrying a woman. On top her ex professor. So it was a bit of an ego move from Nora.

He was happy to do it regardless. Chase and Quinn were walking in front of them as the flower girl and boy. The flowers they threw were all kinds of flowers Lizzie grew in her garden. The twins came up with this idea and Nora loved it. Lizzie hasn't seen that yet but she will surely love it.

George gave Nora a kiss on the cheek and sat down. Everyone saw how Chase and Quinn ran back the aisle making everyone laugh at their adorable sight. Beth gave Nora a little side bump as Lizzie started to appear.

Everything around Nora blurred out as she was only focusing on her soon to be wife Lizzie.

Nora POV

This feels like a dream. I am eating for someone to wake me up but no one does. This is really happening. I am getting married. My vision is blurring form all the tears that form in my eyes but I let them fall. I don't care about the make up I just want to enjoy this pure moment and see Lizzie as clear as I can.

I can tell that she's crying too. Her nose is scrunching this means she's sniffing her nose from crying. She has her arm wrapped around her dads arm and a small chuckle escaped her body as she realized while glancing down that those flowers are from her garden.

A kiss on her cheek and her dad sat down next to Lizzie's mom.

„Heyy." Lizzie whispered as she grabbed my hand to squeeze it firmly.

„Hii." gosh I am extremely nervous. It feels like that first big crush you have. It's like I am freshly getting to know her even though I've known her for years.

„You look marvelous my love."

„Thank you. You look breathtakingly gorgeous babe." she replied with a huge smile on her face.

Lizzie POV

Nora's hands were shaking but as soon as I grabbed them they calmed down.

„We'll be alright babe." I whispered to her and she nod slightly while swallowing the lump in her throat.

When I saw her standing there as I walked down the aisle I felt like my heart stopped for a moment.
Everything around me froze and my focus was laying on her. I never felt this uplifted and consumed by joy when I walked down the aisle for the first time.

It never felt as right as it did now. As you put together the last puzzle piece. The missing half.

„Did you come up with the idea of the flowers?"
I asked quietly as I nod my head to the flowers on the ground next to us.

„The twins had the idea and I couldn't say no. So I hope you won't be mad on how the garden looks a bit empty now."

„Babe this is perfect. I wouldn't want it any other way." I told her positively.

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