Love confession

293 22 4

Narrator POV

„Wanna tell me what's on your mind?"
Nora asked Lizzie as she cleaned some cutlery that was standing in the kitchen sink.

„Wow am I that easy to read?" she asked her girlfriend who was observing her.

„Sometimes. What's going on babe hm?" she digs in more.

„I am just worried about you."

„About me?? Babe you don't have to worry."

„Well I do. I can't change it." she told her as she leaned against the kitchen counter.

„Tell me more about how you feel. Maybe I can take some worry away from you."

„Oh love I should be the one taking all your worry's away. You've been through so much and it pains me to see you this way. How things knock you down when it goes downhill."

„That is really thoughtful for you to say babe. But just because I have been through a lot doesn't mean that your feelings, worry's and experiences aren't valid. Because they are, just as much as mine." Nora explained to Lizzie as she smiled so softly that it felt like a light sunbeam creasing her face.

„I just want you to know that I am here for everything. I know you've been through it all alone so far. But you don't have to anymore and if you need me which I hope you do I will be there."

„I will always need you love. There wasn't a day ever since we met when I didn't need you."
She told her and Lizzie walked closer to grab her face to kiss her sensually.

„I love you too by the way." she whispered as their foreheads leaned against each other.

„I actually wanted to say it in a more romantic way and not in a situation where I am cleaning cutlery in the sink. Believe it or not but I've been holding this back for years!" she added swiftly as she was confronted with silence first.

A quick kiss was added before Lizzie replied with words and not physically touch.
„So did I. But I don't care where you say it to me for the first time. I already know that you love me."
A moment of silence feel in between the two lovers before Nora picked up the conversation again

„Do you ever think of a different outcome of our love story?" Nora asked Lizzie out of the blue and she pulled her head back to look at her girlfriend closely.

„In wich way?" she questioned her back.

„Like an alternative version. What if we didn't meet when you were engaged and then married. How would our story would've been?  How would it be if  Victor wasn't toxically obsessed with me that he tore me away from you? How would we have ended if nothing stood between our hidden love to one another?"
Nora's question hit Lizzie a bit cause she didn't know that Nora had these thoughts in her head.
Lizzie is just so happy and relieved to have her now that she doesn't even grow curious about it.

„Do you question yourself that a lot?" she asked her to reassure herself somehow.

„Kinda especially now since we seem to settle for one another. I can't believe how I was able to run away. That I left you behind." She replied as there was lingering a hint of guilt in her voice.

„Well. If we would think of it and play it through. We wouldn't have Chase and Quinn. Maybe chestnut. But our kids wouldn't be here. We might have adopted kids. Or if any of us wanted to experience the pregnancy part we would have tried to implant one. We would be married."
She told Nora positively to try to help her reassure.

„Married? You think so?" Nora asked her a bit surprised. Probably because this topic never appeared in one of their conversations.

„Of course. Absolutely. I've been wanting to see a ring on your finger for a while now." She told her with a smirk on her face while they tangled their hands in one another.

„I can relate to that. Well I saw one on yours but it wasn't from me."

„Would you have wanted to experience pregnancy?" she asked Lizzie to change the touchy topic and she smiled while looking outside to check on Chase and Quinn.

„Definitely. It's a scary thing as well but I would have loved to feel it all. Also a big bonus, pregnancy breasts." She added jokingly and Nora laughed at this.

„Well you definitely missed out on mine. They were heavy." Nora emphasis the word heavy.

„I've seen. Chase showed me that foto album and let me remind you love. I've never seen such a Devine, beautiful and her pregnant woman. What a shame I couldn't hold them during that tough time. I would've been a great assist Love."

„Oh bet you would." she laughed while stroking her hand on Lizzie's face.

„You should thank Beth for those pictures. She's the one responsible for all of that pictures and video tapes."

„She really helped you didn't she?"

„More than I could ever ask for. She's like family. Even though I have one she is the one that makes me feel loved like a sister bond."

„I'll keep it in mind to thank her for the pictures. I think I should do a copy of it."

„A copy? Why???"

„I don't know. Lay it down next to my bed table so I can look at them at night."

„You naughty ass." she punched her upper arm jokingly.

„What! I just like to look at them that's all."
She told her and after she gave Nora quick kiss, her phone started to ring.

„Come on pick that up it might be work."
Nora told her and slapped her ass lightly.

Lizzie's face frowns as she looks at the number. Nora noticed that and wanted to ask as she wanted to wrap her arms around Lizzie's waist but she walked off and picked the phone call up as soon as she was out of sight.


A/n: sorry guys for not updating in the past days. Been finding it hard to find the time but I'll try my best to keep on writing.

Peace and love ✌🏽❤️

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