Phone calls

249 19 4

Nora POV

„Babe are you gonna pick up?" I heard Lizzie's muffed voice echoing. I picked up the line and walked off.

„Hey Nora. It's been a while how are you doing?"
Javier spoke up first.

„I'm good thanks. How are you doing? Is everything going alright?" I asked as I noticed how Lizzie turned her head around to see me walking through the kitchen.

„You can come and pick up the papers." he informed me sounding happy.

„Really?" I asked a bit louder.

„It worked?" I added surprised.

„It did. I can tell you the details as soon as you pick the papers up. Everything you need is singed and ready. Your girlfriend is now officially divorced."

„I owe you. This is amazing. Thank you so much."
I thanked him as I walked outside so Lizzie won't be able to listen further. I was freaking out on the inside. I still don't know how to over bring Lizzie this message. I have no clue how she will react but she will definitely be glad.

„I am glad I could help you out. I have night shifts this week so you can only come around at night.
If that is okay with you?"

„Of course. I will be there. I will text you when I am heading off." I told him.

„Perfect. See you then have a good night."

„And you have a good Night Shift. Thanks again."

„Thanks Nora, anytime." and he hung up the call.
I glanced down at my phone and couldn't help but to dance around out of joy. Robbie is finally out of the picture and nothing stands in my way to make Lizzie my one and only.

As I walked back I saw Lizzie getting up to walk into the kitchen. „Who was that on the phone?"
Before I could answer my phone started to ring again and I looked down now being a bit moody on who's name popped up.

I wiggled with my phone and held my finger up to sign her that she should give me a moment.
I walked back out and I picked up the line.


„Hi father." I replied a bit unsure of what he wants.

„How have you been? I haven't heard from you in a while." he asked me and I sat down on the porch stairs.

„Doing good. Life is good." I replied shortly and that mostly cause I don't know how to keep a conversation up with him cause all of our conversations ended up in fights.

„That's great to hear. Is there any chance I could visit you? Or would you like to come by at my place so we can spend some time together?"
He asked me and I looked back not being sure if I want him here.

„I-I can come by." I answered briefly.

„Great. That's good awesome. I am happy that we can spend some time together I missed you."

What am I supposed to say to that? I miss him too? That's not the case.. „Yeah when should I come by?" I tired to lead the conversation into another direction.

„Anytime you want. How about tomorrow? Your siblings will be here too." oh dear lord this is gonna be fun.

„Well yeah why not. I'll be there around the afternoon."

„Perfect. I'll make sure Jessica will set up some lunch or something." in that case he means the home cook and workers will do that. My step mother doesn't move a single finger in the kitchen.

„Sure great. See you then." I replied and hung up.

„Is everything okay?" Lizzie asked me as she heard me how I let out a big sigh. She walked up beside me and sat down on the porch stairs next to me making our shoulders touch.

„My father called." I told her and she glanced at me while I kept looking into the forest in front of us.

„Oh. What does he want?" she asked me.

„He wants to spend some time with me."
I replied simple.

„Do you want to?" she asked back and I shrugged my shoulders.

„Yes and no. I want to build up a solid relationship. On the other side I will have to face him and the rest of the family. It won't be an easy thing though and because of that I don't want to."

„You hate confrontation I know babe. But giving it a try might be good for you and them."
She told me and I hummed.

„At least you are coming with me tomorrow."
I informed her as I slapped my hand on her thigh to let it rest there.

„Wait a minute! I am?"

„Of course you are. You really thought I as gonna go in there alone? Into that cage." I asked her sarcastically and now she was the one letting out a sigh.

„Come on it will be fun."

„Fun? Wow you are delusional."

„Hey don't judge me for being delusional sometimes."

„Okay babe keep on gaslighting yourself." she joked and I rolled my eyes.

„Fuck you Olsen." I faked being mad and after seconds I felt her arms slung around my waist to pull me in. She showered me with kisses and I laughed on her adorable apology.

„Okay it's enough you know you tickle me."
I told her and she kept going for a while until she stopped to catch some air.

„Are we gonna take the kids with us?" she asked me and I shrugged my shoulders.

„I have absolutely no idea. I'm not sure if they should meet them all yet. Maybe for the next time if there will be one."

„We can decide that for tomorrow. Maybe we can ask Beth to babysit. Or maybe Scar and Cobie can take care of them for the afternoon tomorrow."

„Yeah we'll see." I replied as I laid my head down on her shoulder letting it rest there.


A/n: kinda vanished a bit and I'll try to upload frequently. Failed an exam today so this was a decent distraction 🤡 Anyways.. this story is still not over yet even though I am a bit over it but that doesn't mean I won't deliver!

Thanks for sticking along still!

Stay tuned
Until next time

Peace and love (cause this is what the world needs)


ONLY YOU (BOOK 5) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें