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Nora POV

Chestnut's barking woke me up form my sleep.
She is outside probably running around with the kids or on her own. I tossed and turned myself around seeing that Lizzie isn't next to me.

After this chaotic night I expected to wake up next to her... I stretched myself and got out of bed to wash myself quick. The barking and giggling outside didn't stop and hearing this makes my heart melt.

I walked down and saw Lizzie cleaning in the kitchen.  „Good morning love." she greeted me as she turned around to see that I am standing at the kitchen counter.

„Morning babe." I replied and we both couldn't hide our smile.

„I expected to wake up next to you this morning. What happened?" I asked as I sat down.

„Chestnut wanted to go for a walk and the kids were hungry." she answered and I nod.

„Thank you for taking over. I would've done it myself but-."

„Hey it's totally fine. I love doing it and you needed to rest for as long as you could. I wouldn't have let you do it anyway." She reassured me as she stroked over my hand.

„Someone's bossy." I joked and she smirked.

„When you mean with „bossy" as in „I'm taking care of you", then yes I am and you can't change anything about it. I always will." she replied and my eyes became glossy while a smile rested on my lips.

„I can't thank you enough for the things you do because of me." I thanked her genuinely.

„I am not doing it because of you. Love I am doing it for you and I know you would do the same if I'd be in your position." she reassured me and I nod in reply.

„I've been a bit industrious this morning. So I prepared you some breakfast." she added briefly as she walked to the fridge.

„Orange juice?" I asked jokingly as she got it out of the fridge.

„It's freshly pressed orange juice dear."
She emphasizes with a huge smile on her face.

„Oh wow. How generous of you."

„Only the best for my best." she answered as she kissed me on the head after placing the glass down in front of me.

„And Chase helped me with doing some pancakes.
Here you go." she placed a plate down im front of me.

„Well it will be extra delicious when my two best girls made me some breakfast." I joked and that made Lizzie grin.

„Well you can read it right here." she pointed at the apron that was a self made gift for me from my kids.

„Best mom and cook. You know that this belongs to me right?" I reminded her and she laughed while shaking her head.

„Hmm no I don't think so. I think I deserve this title to carry the honor of being the best mom and cook." she said it in a boastful way while removing some flour from the apron.

„Wow. You think you can steal that title from me? Without attending a competition?" I questioned her while crossing my arms.

„Oh honey I've already won." she replied cocky.

„What makes you think that huh?" I asked her.

„Remember the first day when I met Chase and Quinn? And you went out with scar so I had to cook. Yeah when we were eating Chase whispered to me „don't tell it mom but you are the better cook" so I guess I won." she replied cocky while tugging a hair string behind her ear. That move distracted me for a moment.

„As if come on you are being delusional. My kids won't betray me like that." I replied a bit taken back jokingly and she couldn't stop with her cocky behavior.

„Okay I challenge you then. You cook one day in the first week and I will do it in the next with the same meal. After that we ask them out of curiosity who cooks better. And then they decide."

„what's in it for me then?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders.

„I don't know. Everyone of us has a wish open. Whatever it is. It has to be done. Or else we will be addressed as a chicken cause we chickened out of a bet." she explained the rule and I was curious on what she wanted.

„What is it that you want?" I asked seeing how eager she looks at me.

„I won't tell you my wish. Or else it won't come true. I will Just lean back and watch my girlfriend lose against Muah." she answered with a smirk on her face.

„Okay looks like I need to make you lose then."
Who am I kidding I can't win against her when it comes to cooking. But I'll just play along cause she is clearly having her fun and I won't destroy that.
So I'll let her destroy me. Literally.. who knows what she has in mind with her wish. But I can tell for sure it is something for the bed room.

„Okay challenge excepted." I told her and she stretched out her hand. I shook my head and got up to move around the kitchen island.

„With you? I am lot dealing a deal with a simple handshake. I demanded a kiss." I told her while narrowing my eyes on her and she raised a brow surprised. I grabbed her by the neck and pulled her in for a long lasting kiss.

„So cute when you try to be dominant." she whispered into our kiss and I rolled my eyes.

„Did you had a cocky breakfast this morning or what has gotten into that beautiful mind of yours?"
I asked her while tilting my head and she smirked.

„No some days I am just feeling like doing so.
I am sorry if it's to much."

„To much? First off don't apologize for that sexy ass of yours." I slapped her ass playfully and she laughed.

„Second off I think this is really, like really, really attractive. Hot even so I don't mind that side of yours at all."

„Good then. Cause I can't help myself when I am around you."

„Yeah that's what I thought Love." I answered and she tilted her head.

„Now you are being cocky."

„Looks like it is rubs off on me too."
I answered with a hint of innocence in my voice and that made her eyes role.

„Come here and give me another kiss." she grabbed my face and kissed me passionately.


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