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Nora POV

„Nora dear. Hi, come on in." my father greeted me with a hug and I gave him some sort of half hug back.

He then shook Lizzie's hand not knowing if they should share a hug or keep it professionally. Since he is still her boss.

„The kids aren't with you?" he asked as he glanced out the door before I closed it.

„We decided it would be better if we'd delay that type of get together to another time." I answered and he nod a bit crushed as we walked in.

„Your siblings are already waiting. Do you guys want something to drink?" he asked as we walked into the dinning hall.

„A red wine for me please." Lizzie spoke up next to me.

„I'm good." I kept my answer short.

„What are you pregnant?" Silence fell between us. He joked but that was a pretty flat joke if I can even call it a joke.

„Really funny. That „joke" would have worked almost seven years ago. But no I need to drive home. So Lizzie can drink." I answered.

„You can crash the night you know we have plenty of room."

„No thanks. We have twins and a dog waiting for us at home."

„Our driver can drive you home too or we can call you a cab later. If you will change your mind on drinking. You can sneak a couple of drinks like you used to do when you were a teenager."

„Oh so you were a bad kid?" Lizzie poked me from the side and I gave her a half smile.

„Well I honestly didn't know that you noticed."

„I did. But I let it slide."

„Cause you didn't care?" I asked bluntly wanting to know why he let me drink while I was underaged.

„No, not because of that. I did care and I still do. But you seemed to build a decent relationship with alcohol. I knew most of your secret alcohol consumes ended up with a hang over but not with throwing up all over this place. I know when you consumed it and it wasn't that often that it became concerning to me and look at you now. You are not an alcoholic so I think I did great with letting you be." he explained himself and I kinda think he's right on this one that he let me be. But with that I always thought he never cared.

„Nora! Sweetie I thought you'd bring along the whole family! Come here." Jessica appeared with a glass of wine in her hand spreading her arms wide to pull me in for a hug. Wow that was unexpected.

„Lizzie. You look stunning as always. How is Robbie doing?" she asked her and I felt really offended by that and so did Lizzie which was visible with the discomfort she couldn't hide in her face.

„I'm no longer with him so his well-being is not my concern anymore."

„Besides he's in prison." I added gladly to rub it under Robbie's nose even if he's not here but saying those words are oddly satisfying.

„Yes. He is." Lizzie added quietly before sealing her lips with her wine glass.

„Right I am sorry. I was just wondering how things work now since you guys didn't divorce before the things with Nora happen." she was probably referring to him trying to kill me.  And to be honest, Lizzie should have never even married him in the first place but hey we all make mistakes.

This wouldn't be a great job to drop the bomb that Lizzie is officially divorced right? Well I don't wanna turn this event into a fight. Because I am sure Lizzie will be confused.

„Nora! We haven't seen you in a while!" Wess spoke up as all my siblings walked up to us.

„Yeah well y'know we all have busy lives."

„Sure not as busy as ours but hey, we all measure busy differently."

„Wow here we go again. This bragging behavior really is a thing of yours right?" I fired back to Wess and he chuckled.

„He didn't mean it like that. It's just that you-."

„I what? Just cause I might not be as successful as you three are doesn't mean that I don't have a busy life."

„I didn't mean to say that." Sara defended calmly yet I was a bit more harsh.

„How is your work life going anyways? I mean you didn't graduate from college cause you-."

„cause I faked my death yup I know.."
Without even looking to my left I reached my hand out for Lizzie's glass and chucked down her red wine. She was right. I really do need some alcohol when I am around them.

„I'll fill you a new one Love I am sorry." I whispered and walked off to the bar to fill her a glass.

„My work life is decent. I opened a café with Beth and we work together. It's a solid thing. I'm happy with it." I lied. I mean I do own that café with Beth but I haven't been at work for several reasons. But they don't need to know that. I don't want them to think that I am realizing or that I am living off of Lizzie's paycheck. Which I am not.

„Just that?" Oliver asked and I tilted my head at him as I walked back to hand Lizzie her refilled glass.

„It's not „just that" Oliver." Lizzie hopped in to defend me.

„What is it that you want, since you seem a bit judge about her business?" she asked what I wanted to ask.

„I mean you can build that business. Make it grow. Make a coffee chain out of it. We can help you out to build that business up. Growth is important in the industry."

„Oh." I didn't expect a supportive answer at all.
Wow it seems as they really did change a bit after all.

„I can ask my husband to find you a new place where you can build another café. He's a real estate agent I am sure he can find something."
Sara added and I raised a brow.
I didn't know she was married. A lot of things happened in those years I was gone.

„And I can help with your marketing. I am sure Wess can help you out with a new menu list and creat new pastries and sandwiches."

„Well I don't need to turn this into a five star café."

„I can help where I can to improve your food. This is my job as a chef cook." he offered and I glanced to Lizzie who sipped on her glass.

„I like how you guys bond."

„Bond? You really think it's good that we bond over business?" I asked my father after he dropped tbat comment.

„I mean it's some sort of bonding right?" he asked and I just nod. „Yeah sorta." I replied and pulled my attention back to my siblings.

„I appreciate the offers you make but this isn't a decision I can make on my own."

„Why? It's your business after all." Sara asked.

„I have a partner. Beth. She is in that boat too so IF WE want to we'd have to decide that TOGETHER. That's what a partnership stands for."

„Right. Well, just let us know on what you decided. We can creat you a business plan if you want to discuss that with Beth. We just want to help where we can." Wess added and I nod smiling a bit them all.

„I'll let you guys know. Thanks for the offer,
I appreciate that." I told them and they nod.

„I see the table is decorated. We can head off to the eat." my father announced and we all we all walked to the table where the food was already waiting for us.


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