No(every)thing can go wrong..

157 13 6

Narrator POV

„Okay short check in." Beth spoke up as she entered the room.

„The DJ is set. Cobie took care of the bar and hired some bartenders for tonight. The chairs and decorations are set. Food will be grilled by some chefs from Cobies hotel. Girl you are getting married today." Beth checked the things on her clipboard while Nora stood in front of the mirror staring at herself.

„Halo? Did you hear me? Everything is set."

„What if she doesn't want to?" Nora blurred out and Beth raised a brow.

„You guys came this far. Quitting now is not an option!"

„What if something goes wrong? What if Robbie breaks out of prison and ruins our wedding? Or what if it will rain today." Nora drew out her worst case scenarios.

„First off nothing will go wrong, second off Robbie won't appear he's somewhere in a desert prison and third off you love rain!"

„NOT on my wedding day!! Rain is for depressed days during the autumn time or on a cozy night.
I don't like the clouds that are forming outside right now." Nora replied as she pointed out the window to demonstrate what she means.

„It won't rain today! And if it does it won't make the wedding a disaster."

„Nora you are overthinking. It's okay you have a big day today and I'd probably freak out too if I were you. But you will walk down that aisle and so will Lizzie and you both will say your vows and you both will say YES AND KISS!!"

„Will we?" Nora asked doubtful.

„OF COURSE you will stop doubting yourself. You both love each other there is nothing that can go wrong."

„Oh that „there is nothing that can go wrong" implies on the phrase everything will go wrong." she mocked her best friend.

„This is nonsense. You think someone's gonna enter this room and have the audacity to announce a-."

„We have a problem!" Chase dashed through the door.

„Problem..." Beth finished her sentence.

„You see? What is it now?" Nora starts to wave her hand in front of her eyes so she won't cry.

„The last time I saw you this hysterical was when we watched 10 things I hate about you, and you were pregnant on top."

„Stop you know exactly that this is my favorite movie and that poem rips me apart every time."

„You know that in and out." Beth mumbled hoping her soon to be bride best friend won't hear it but she did.

„You're not helping Bethany!!"

„Oh full name basis. I am in trouble. Okay why don't you sit down. Imma open that window for some fresh air and take that tissue I only want to see you cry during your vows NOT NOW!!" she guided Nora to the window placing a chair there.

„Now sweetie, what is the problem you announced. It can't be that big right."
Beth turned to Chase in an optimistic way.

„We lost the rings."


„YOU LOST THE RINGS?? Ohhh now it's officially a canceled wedding. How are we gonna get married without rings? Right we won't. I won't."
That was Nora's final straw and the tears started to fall.

„Wow there really is something behind that getting married cry." Beth added sarcastically.

„Sweetie. Might wanna tell me how you lost them?"

„Why is mom crying? Is she mad at us?"

„NO!!" Beth replied louder making Nora's „yes" unheard.

„Today is an extra extra special day for mom. So she's a bit more emotional than usual."

„So how did you lose them hm? We are not mad."
Beth asked again.

„I played outside with Quinn and Chestnut. And Chestnut had the rings in a box around her collar. She was running fast and we lost them somewhere."

„Where did you play exactly?"

„around the lake and trees near the woods."

„Can you give me my phone?"
Nora asked and Beth handed it her over.

„Let me call everyone and tell them the wedding is canceled." Beth snatched the phone away from Nora making her wanna get up but Beth pushed her back into the chair.

„You sit your ass down and stay put. I am the best wedding organizer and-."

„This is the first wedding you are organizing and you lost my rings. You call this being the best wedding organizer?"

„Your twins lost them. It's not on me."

„Besides, I was born to organize my best friends wedding. Everything went fine so far."

„Should I tell mama that we lost them?"

„NO!" „NO!" both yelled at the same time.

„I am sure mama won't need to know. We will find them." Beth told Chase.

Meanwhile the other soon to be bride had other things to think off. „Here you go. As a bridesmaid it's my duty to make you feel comfortable."

„Pouring me shots is your way on making me feel comfortable?" Lizzie asked as she looked at the shot glass in her hand.

„It helps against your nerves."

„You mean yours right?" Lizzie asked as it was pretty clear that scar was the nervous one.

„My best friend is getting married it feels like I am getting married. Why aren't you nervous???"
Scar asked frantically before she downed a shot.

„I am marrying the love of my life. Everything will work out today and I have absolutely nothing to worry about."

„Fuck you're calm. Give me that." she grabbed Lizzie's shot and downed it for her.

„Scar calm down. It's not the first time I am getting married. I was extremely anxious on my first marriage day but as I look back it was because my body told me Robbie wasn't the one and a first marriage is always a roller coaster trip."

„Well, good to know. I already feel a bit warmer."

„Yeah cause you just took two shots. Come on sit down." Lizzie tapped the chair next to hers.

„You think Nora is freaking out?" scar asked as she pointed to the door knowing that Nora and Beth are on the other side of the hallway.

„Nah I think she's chill about it." Lizzie replied while shrugging her shoulders.

„I can't marry Lizzie without any rings!!!" Nora cried hysterically and Beth walked up and down.

„If we won't find the rings, but I think we will find them, but if we don't we will just take the rings you guys proposed to each other. You will take them off before you walk down the aisle and then put them back on after y'all said yes. Boom problem solved."
Beth gave a solution and Nora calmed down a bit.

„But the personalized gold rings were so expensive!" she started to cry again.

„We will find them. See it as a little adventure time. A little treasure hunt."

„Fuck you Beth!" Nora replied pissed off and Beth knew that Nora didn't mean it that way. She's as hysterical as she was when she was pregnant with twins so Beth knows how to handle her attitude.

„Love you Nora." she smiles at her best friend.

„So since I only need to change for the wedding I will do that after I found the rings. You stay here. Take this mimosa, it will calm you down. And read through your vow. Don't worry your bestie is gonna find the rings and then you will crown me as the best wedding organizer!"
Beth's attitude was covered in optimism and Nora was the complete opposite of it. Before she left she gave Nora two mimosas. After that she gave her a kiss on the head and walked off closing the door.


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