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Nora POV

Time passes and my mind is still swirling around Lizzie and what she is up to now. I want her back home but I've been trying to distract myself with cleaning and washing clothes.

I cooked for Chase and Quinn and they are outside playing with Chestnut. Their bedtime is getting closer but on some days I let them play just a bit longer. As I was cleaning the dishes I looked out the window and saw a car drive in.

One that I've never seen before so I am a bit worried yet curious on who it is. I turned off the sink and took a kitchen towel to dry them off as I walk outside.

I opened the door and stopped on my wooden porch not wanting to get any closer just in case this is someone I don't want to see.
A woman stepped out and I have never seen her before.

„Can I help you ma'am?" I asked as I placed the towel on my shoulder.

„Makes me feel kinda old to be called ma'am.
I thought we arranged that you call me by name Nora?" she questioned as she looked around curious while walking closer.

I've heard her voice before but I can't pin point it yet until it hits me. „Misses Olsen?" i asked a bit shocked as I expected everyone but not her.

„It's Jarnette for you dear." she reminded me and I nod as swallowed the lump in my throat. The first and last time we interacted was when I called Lizzie on the phone after a fight and she picked up the call.

„What brings me the honor?" I questioned as I thought that Lizzie is supposed to be at her place.
Why does she appear on my door step now?
And if Lizzie is not with her mom... where is she? Or with who?

„I thought it was time to meet in person. Besides I am a curious mom who wants to see how her daughter lives. And I sure did not expect a house in the forest." she pointed out as she looked around surprised and a bit impressed for some reason.

„Please how rude of me to not invite you in. I was about to make myself some tea. Would you like some too?" I offered as I pointed behind me.

„I would love to dear." she smiled as she walked up the porch to follow me.

A moment of silence filled the house as I observed how she was looking around in some sort of awe but yet a bit in an controlling way. As if she looks around in her daughters room if it's cleaned or not.

„Lizzie really made herself at home didn't she?" she asked as she saw the fresh baked cookies on the kitchen island.

„Please go ahead. She really blossoms in the kitchen. She loves it and she is really great at it."

„Who do you think she learned it from?" she asked a bit corky as she took a cookie to eat it while she sat down around the kitchen island.
That made me laugh a bit.

„She sure brags about being the best cook in this house." I added and that make her raise her brows in a soft way.

„May I ask you something?" I spoke up after a silent moment.

„Don't be so formal around me dear I am not some monster of a mother. Go ahead." she told me as she waved with her hand lightly.

„Cookies and tea are not the main reason why you appeared at my doorstep right?" I asked and she shook her head.

„I told you earlier. That I wanted to see how my daughter lives and I really mean that."

„So you want a house tour?" I asked clueless and she laughed lightly.

„No not now. Someday yes."

„But isn't that what you mean by wanting to see how my daughter lives?"

„Okay maybe I just wanted to check and test you."

„Test me on what?"

„How my daughters girlfriend reacts when her mother showed up unexpected and uninvited."

„Did I pass that test?" I asked curiously.

„I don't know yet." she answered making me feel a bit unsure but she has a small smile on her face as she said that which made me feel a bit better.

„Well then. Since you don't want to have a house tour how about we go and sit down in the living room or outside on the veranda?"
She looked behind her watching Chase and Quinn play outside with Chestnut.

„They look just like you." she told me and I smiled wide nodding even though she doesn't see it cause she keeps her eyes on them.

„Hearing this makes my heart light up Jarnette."

„Because you fear that they will look like their father?" she questioned as she looked back at me. My gut wrenches as she said that but I kept myself together as good as I could trying not to show that this thought upsets me.

„Well it's never a compliment when they say you look like the father." I tried to joke it off but she still had a neutral expression on her face.

„Liz probably told you about it all didn't she?"
I asked and her silence was my answer.

„I am extremely sorry for the things you had to go through. I cannot imagine how it must feel." her words comforted me as she placed her hand on mine across the kitchen island.

I swallowed my tears and smiled through the tears that wanted to fall down. „Your daughter is a huge help. I don't know where I'd be when she wouldn't be around."

„This only means I raised her well didn't I?"

„Most definitely. She is caring, thoughtful, funny and helpful and all the other great things. I'm the happiest I have ever been since she is her with me and my kids took her in as a family member immediately."

„Yeah kids get attached quick. How old are they?" she asked me as she looks back.

„Turning 7 soon. They grow up so fast." I answered as I shed a tear wiping it off immediately.

„Oh yeah. Mine are all grown up now. But the best part about it is that they will always be your baby's."

„For sure I wouldn't think of it any other way."
I replied we smiled towards each other.


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