Hot headed

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Nora PoV

„Here drink this." Lizzie pushed a glass of water into my hand.

„I am not thirsty babe." I answered and she raised a brow while she looked down on me as I sat on the veranda watching our kids play.

„You have to stay hydrated. So drink up!" she told me sternly.

„Yes ma'am." I saluted and drank up as she said.

„Babe. May I ask you something?" she asked me and I nod. I tapped my free spot next me signing her to sit down. She walked around to me and sat down.

„Is everything okay?" I asked her and she nod.

„Yeah. I just wanted to ask if you considered to take the offer I told you about?" she asked me and I had no clue what she was talking about.

„You know my mind is pumped up with a lot of things. So I have no idea what you mean. What was it again sorry that I forgot." I apologized.

„That thing with therapy. With that breakdown you had. You know I only ask because I care for your mental health and your mental health will effect your physical health at some point. You lost a lot of weight in that time."

„Well. We've been apart for six years it is kinda obvious that I change on the outside as well."
I told her while pointing up and down on myself.

„Nora. I mean it. I can't help you to get over your demons. I will face them with you I told you that but I am not a psychologist." she replied gentle.

„I know, I know. It's just not that easy."

„I know. But it has to be treated correctly especially when it isn't easy. This has been following you for years and I don't want your past to ruin our future."

„Our future?" I asked and her face frowns.

„Why did you repeat it so offensive?" she questioned.

„Why do you think that my past will ruin our future?" I fired back with a question.

„So I am the problem? Is this what you've been trying to say?" I asked and she shook her head while grabbing my hands.

„No! Don't twist my words. I didn't mean-."

„But you said it."

„No. Now hold on! You are absolutely not the problem. I just want you to become clean with your past. This is all I want for you so you can live a normal life again."

„You know damn well that my life was never at the average line of being normal. And especially after these events it won't be normal. I don't think I'll ever have a normal life."

„What do you mean by that now?"

„I will always be followed by my ex. Deep in my mind he will pop up somehow. When people ask me who is the father of your children? Where is their dad? Or when Chase and Quinn ask me „mom who is our dad?" „why don't we have one?"
I automatically have to think of him and my mind will relive what he did to me." I rambled and she was silenced by my words that hit like a punch in the gut.

„I will go to therapy. I will look for a doctor, maybe they can fix me so we can enjoy our future."

Okay can you just stop being so offended now?"

„Offended? I am not offended at all."

„Come on don't bullshit me around. I can see and hear how offended you are. Your voice even switched. I was just trying to help and you twist it as if I am the bad guy." she fought back.

„You know what, let me just go inside and search for an doctors appointment. I should start as soon as possible so I can be fixed for you." I got up and walked in hearing after some seconds that she is following me with loud footsteps.

„For fucking sake can you please try not to sabotage yourself? You talk yourself down.
Who do you think I am? That I am someone who is just here for the good? For when you are „fixed"??
I told you just a couple of minutes ago that I am here for your bad days as well. I-."

„You what?" I peaked further wanting to know what she cut off her last sentence.

„I fucking love you!! That's what's going on. I love every part of you. The bad and good. The sad and happy parts. The ones that make me want to scream into the void from the top of my lungs.
I love you!! Everything about you! I love how you love, I love how you feel and express yourself. All of it. Don't you get it? Is it so hard to-." she shouted at me as we stood in the kitchen.

I couldn't let her lips say another word. Even though I wanted to hear everything. How her voice broke when she confessed that she loves me.
How her voice trembled as she wants to scream from the top of her lungs.
My body simply took over and I couldn't let her finish.

So I crashed my lips onto hers and she moaned instantly as she felt how rough I was. A groan left her body as we walked back hitting the kitchen counter. Cutlery strummed behind her and with one swift move we heard a pot break down on the ground but we didn't give a damn about that.

Her hands slid behind my back and waist and I felt how one moved down to grab my ass so she can pull me in closer which made me moan into the kiss. She grinned but this wasn't the only satisfaction I was intending to give.

She thought she will take over this make out but oh girl she thought wrong. We were way to occupied with discovering our body's even though we've memorized them by now.

It still feels like the very first time whenever we get heated and whenever we can't keep our hands to ourselves.

She pushed to walk backwards probably wanting to take over now but after some steps I turned her around and pushed her down not giving a damn that we laid down on the kitchen floor.

„The kids are outside babe." she huffed out as she felt how I was fumbling with her mom jeans to open them up.

„They are outside they won't hear us." I encouraged her.

„You know I am loud." she tried to remind me but I already know, how could I forget?

„Well looks like it's time for me to teach you how to be quiet." I husked and she moaned as she felt how my hand reached to her breast under her shirt.

„Quiet love."

„You are not making it easy." she told me and I kissed her once again.

„I know. That's the fun part about it. We have to use every moment we get."

„But like this?"

„Babe we are parents. We have to live in the thrill of the moment. At least you can cross of being fucked on the kitchen floor now." I replied cocky and she rolled her eyes.

„Oh I will make you role your eyes back for a different reason." I added as I slid my hand into her jeans feeling how hot her skin is.


A/n: the disrespect to cut it short like this I know.

But I need to sleep or else I'll be ruined tomorrow.

I know y'all will stay tuned 😉
Until next time

Peace and love ✌🏽❤️

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