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Nora POV

„So the bet? What were you both up to?"
I asked and scar scratched the back of her head.

„I am not gonna tell you that. It's enough information for you both that you know that we bet on you." she answered and Lizzie and I smirked at the same time having a feeling that their bet was about something sexual.

„Okay fine. Just let us know if we should send you a wheelchair over." I joked and scar threw a grape at me from the fruit plate that laid beneath us.

„Fuck you Lewis!" she yelled out while I kept on laughing about my one joke.

„Oh don't worry I already took care of that Scar."
Lizzie added and that made Scar gasp.

„Fuck you guys are wasting no time at all huh?"
Sbe replied cocky and I rolled my eyes on them.

„Try to get the nasty done when you have kids in the future. Almost impossible." I told her and she laughed.

„So do you guys want me to leave to give you the time you need to catch up on all the fucking you missed out on in all those years?" she pointed to the door and now I was the one throwing that grape back at her head.

„You bitch! I forgot how bold you are sometimes."
I replied and I saw how Lizzie was standing behind scar leaned against the kitchen counter waving her arms to scar and then to the door to sign me that I should send her away. I almost cracked a laugh with her body language.

„How about you call Cobie and tell her how you lost the bet." I offered her and she shook her head.

„No we made up that we would tell that to each other personally. So we would have to see each others reactions." she explained and I glanced back to Lizzie who was doing body gestures on us fucking. I choked on my water and had to cough a bit before talking back to scar.

„Well. Looks like you know what needs to be done."

„Go home and-." Lizzie spoke up and I replied with „FaceTime her!!" at the same time to annoy Lizzie. She signed me an are you crazy??? And I smirked while bulging my tongue in my mouth.

„No Lizzie is right. I should head off home. I need to prepare some things before Cobie comes home." she answered and I could see how happy Lizzie became.

„Why don't you stay for lunch? I am sure Lizzie won't mind to cook something for the three of us." I offered and lizzie gave me a Death glare while tilting her head. Okay. This was my sign I think I've stepped to far.

„Another time I'd love to and I will bring Cobie with me! She misses you too." scar told me a we started to walk to her car.

„Okay whatever suits you girl. I miss her too. Just call or text when you find a day where you can come by." we hugged quick she hopped into her car.

„Same goes for you. Call me or text me if you need anything!! I am sure you both could use some days off. Aunty Scar and Aunty Cobie would love to babysit!" she winked at me as I felt how Lizzie slid her hands around my waist to hug me from behind.

„You really leaned yourself out of the window darling." she whispered into my ear and I gulped.

„I will get back to that offer for sure Scar!! Thank you for coming by. See ya!" we both now waved her off and as soon as she disappeared in the Forrest way I felt Lizzie grab my hand to drag me back in.

„We need to shower!" she yelled out and I had no clue what she wanted me to about it.

„Well then go ahead. I already went earlier I-."
She stopped and glared into my eyes.

„I said WE. Are you deaf?" she fired back and I raised a brow.

„Wow someone is being bitchy." she tilted her head once again and I don't know what's about to come now.

„You did not just say that." she told me and I shrugged my shoulders.

„Well looks like you are the deaf one." I added and a third head tilt showed itself. Then she pushed me against the kitchen counter making me gasp shortly.

„You really are asking for it." she added cocky and I tilted my head now cluelessly.

„I don't know Professor. Enlighten me please. What am I asking for?" she smirked cause of that nickname.

„I have this student of mine who likes to play dumb sometimes or she is disobeying me. Do you have a tip on what I should do."

„Hmm I don't know. A punishment would be good."

„Yeah. Right. I was thinking the same. What type of punishment do you have in mind?" she played along while stroking a hair strain of mine behind my ear making my stomach twitch in a good way.

„I mean if you have a lot of students that do that then I think you should be stricter with teaching. Or you give them a lot of assignments as a punishment."

„hmm I'll keep that in mind. But this one specific student. You should know I have a really, really special and close relationship with her. What do you have for her in mind?"

„Oh she must be very lucky to have you!" I told her and she smirked again.

„I feel like the luckiest woman on earth. I hope she feels the same way."

„She does. I can guarantee you that." I replied honest and she smiled wide.

„But if you ask me about that punishment. I'd offer for you to fuck her. Right there." I pointed behind Lizzie and she looked to the direction I was pointing.

I felt her hands slide down my back under my ass to pull me closer to her. She looked back at me and lifted me up to carry me to the kitchen island.

She pushed me back slightly so that I'd be leaning back halfway so I can still see her properly.

„Fuck her on the kitchen island. You nasty slut."

„Don't worry. I'll clean up after. It can get as dirty as we want." I replied cocky while watching her smirk towards me.


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