Parent teacher talk

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Nora POV

„Misses Steinfeld. It's so nice to meet you again sorry for being a bit vocal in the hallway." I pointed behind me as I walked in. She got up from her chair stroked down her blouse and stretched out her hand to shake mine which I did.

„Hi misses Lewis. It is totally fine I'm sometimes loud too."

„In the hallway I mean. Loud in the hallway yeah."
She added quick as she saw how I raised my brow amused by her flustered behavior.

„Oh I bet you are. But please you can call me whatever you want just not by my surname. I hate formalities. Makes me feel old."

„Oh don't give me that kinda opening."
She replied as we walked to her desk.

„Well then. Nora would be just fine." I told her and she let out a sigh calming down a bit.

„Great then and it's Miss Steinfeld. Got no ring on my finger." she wiggled with her hand and I laughed lightly. I'm curious on why she is single she looks great. She must have a bunch of people wanting her.

„Here mom your keys!" Quinn zoomed in and gave me the keys wanting to run back out again.
„Wait there young man. Don't you wanna say halo to your teacher?" I lectured him and he stopped.

„Hi miss Steinfeld! Bye Miss Steinfeld!" he replied quick and ran our closing the door.

„I'm sorry he's really-."

„Energetic? Yeah he's full of it." she finished my sentence and I laughed a bit at her reply.

„I was about to say that he forgets his manners sometimes but yes. He's really energetic as well."
I answered as I put my keys into my tote bag.

„Well I'm used to that." she replied and I hummed as I looked out the window to see them both play outside with Chestnut.

„Will your partner attend today as well? Or is she busy?" Miss Steinfeld asked to switch the topic.

„I'm not really sure if she will. I reminded her of the meeting. She told me she will try to be here so maybe she will walk in at some point." I informed her and she nod.

„Okay that is totally fine. At least one of you is here. So let me just get my notes out so we can start." she looked for her papers in that mess of a desk but honestly that mess is relatable.

„Before we start. Do you know the boys who gave my daughter a bloody nose today during the break time?" I asked her and she stopped looking at me irritated.

„She got what? A bleeding nose? From who??"
She asked me concerned even though I was the one wanting to know that.

„Yes. She had her nose bleeding since a kid shot the soccer ball into her face. You didn't see it?"
I asked her starting to question her capability as a teacher.

„I wasn't supervising the kids during todays break cause I had some privat issues to take care of. So other teachers must have seen it but I wasn't informed about that situation at all." she explained herself to me being a bit shocked as she leaned back into her chair.

„I see you are worried. You don't have to she is fine now. But I would just like to know who it was.
All the boys were against playing with her and I think they did that on purpose to scare her away."

„I will link together with the other teachers maybe they saw something and I will let you know as soon as I find out. Whoever did that will face sole consequences I can assure you that. Those kids are like my little baby ducks if they get hurt I will clear everything so they can get their Justice. I can ask Chase but I know that since it happened today she won't talk about it." She explained to me and she seemed really protective over the kids she teaches.

„Yeah she didn't really talk to me about it at all. Quinn was the one informing me. She took it in and cried it out for a moment and after that she was the one who gave mental support to her twin." I told her and she smiled faintly.

„There is something that came to my attention with Chase that I wanted to discuss." I leaned back into my tiny kid chair and let her talk.

„I don't know how her surroundings were in the past six years. But I think her private environment had a huge impact on her personality trait."

„Well I raised them both on my own and-."

„That explains it then."

„What is that supposed to mean? Is there a problem with raising kids alone?" I questioned a bit offended since she doesn't know my back story I mean how could she but still it kinda hit me a bit.

„Oh no I'm sorry I didn't mean it in an offensive way. I just noticed that Chase tends to manage herself on her own. Which isn't a bad thing. But she gets really quiet about social issues and when someone does her wrong."

„As in an isolating way?" I asked her and she nod.

„Kinda yeah. She doesn't really ask for help. She always wants to do everything on her own and she doesn't like to take help when it's being offered.
Does that ring a bell?"

„I did not teach her that and I never noticed."

„How is it with you then? If I may ask? Because some kids adapt certain things from their parent."

„Maybe because I am used to do everything on my own she started to try it too. My girlfriend is a new addition to our little family and I've been on my own before for the whole time. No partner beside me. They don't have a dad. It was just me and the twins with Chestnut."


„My golden retriever. The one outside zooming around with the twins." I pointed out and her smile grew.

„I used to have a golden retriever as well when I grew up. She was my light." she answered as I noticed how she referred to her dog in the past tense.

„Well. I am sorry to hear that they don't have a dad. It must be really hard for them to lose him."

„They never had him in the first place so there wasn't anything to lose. They never got to know him and that is for the better. I practically took that role over ever since they faced the daylight."

„I'm sorry. That must've been a really difficult time then." she replied softer now and I smiled faintly.

„It's okay. Time will heal wounds."

„I know but still. It won't get easier when you will have to face the day where you will explain to your kids what happened. With time they will ask more questions because they obviously see and hear how other kids talk about their dad."

„I know damn well that won't be easy." I mumbled as I reminisce to the fact that I killed him.


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