The day after

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Nora POV

The sun tickled my nose waking me up from my deep sleep. I moved my arm that was laying over the blanket to feel if Lizzie was next to me.
She wasn't.

I opened my eyes and turned to my side and she really wasn't there. I let out a sigh and pulled myself up after stretching. I slid my legs out of the bed and as I wanted to get up I noticed that it felt challenging to do so.

Lizzie really did her work on me last night. So hard that I need to take a couple of minutes to get myself standing with a bit wobbly legs.

I went to brush my teeth and do a quick shower to get ready for the day. I put on some mom jeans with a flannel letting some buttons open.
After that I walked down to check on Chase and Quinn but as I was looking into their rooms I saw that they are not in them.

Even their beds are made. I don't even know what time it is. So I walked down the last staircase and I see Scar drinking coffee with Lizzie at the kitchen island.

„Good morning sunshine!" Lizzie's face lit up as she saw me walking in. They both looked a bit tense but I didn't think much of it.

„More like good afternoon you sleepy head."
Scar added and as I glanced to the clock on the wall I saw that it was 2 pm already.

„Oh my god did I sleep that much? Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked Lizzie and she shrugged her shoulders.

„Thought you might needed that sleep after last night."

„What was last night?" scar asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

„I was really, really tired. Y'know. A lot of stress that had to be released."
I told her and she got up to walk around the kitchen island.

I smiled wide and we fell into each others arms making the hug last for a while.
„I am so relieved to have you back. In all pieces."
She welcomed me back and I stroked her back how I always do when I hug everyone.

„Me too Scar." I told her and we separated ourselves. She went back to the side where her coffee was standing and sat down next to Lizzie while I was on the opposite side.

„So you got any spicy prison story's to tell us?" she asked and I observed how Lizzie pushed her from the side while giving her a glare to not ask things like this.

„It's okay Liz." I reassured her and she nod.

„Except that I've been beaten up heavy I don't have much to tell. It wasn't really a pleasant time."

„Did you have any cell mates? If so how many? And what did they do?" she asked eagerly and I chuckled.

„I had one. She took me in immediately and helped me adjust. Sasha is her name. She was charged for murdering her husband."

„Damn. That's tough." scar mumbled after she sipped on her coffee.

„It is. But the thing is she's been charged for it even though she wasn't the murderer."

„Who did it then?" Lizzie asked now starting to be invested too.

„Her son who was 15 years old at that time.
I think he's 23 now."

„Wow how did that happen? Why did he do it?"
Scar added.

„Her husband was an alcoholic. He either came home drunk or started to drink when he was home. One day things escalated. He was abusive and her son saw the gun laying there while he was beating Sasha up. He shot him but she took the blame." I told them as I walked to the fridge to get myself some water.

„Wow that's deep. None of them should be charged for that. This was a life or death situation just like yours." Lizzie answered and I nod.

„Yeah I think so too. But she told me she doesn't want her kid to sit in prison for saving her life by taking his fathers life. Besides he was young and if he would take the blame he would be the one going to jail."

„That's what mothers do. Protect their baby's." scar added and I hummed.

„I'd do the same. They have their life ahead of them. This would define the rest of their lives."

„Well good thing is you never have to do it again. You are safe now." Lizzie told me as she grabbed my hand to squeeze it.

„I am yeah. Speaking off... where are Quinn and Chase?" I asked as I was looking around.

„It's Monday sweetheart. They are in school."
Lizzie told me and I rubbed my eyes tiredly.

„I totally forgot. Shit."

„It's alright don't worry I took care of them.
They had breakfast and I placed them off at school."

„Thanks babe."

„Babe???" scar asked loudly as she choked on her coffee.

„Hold on what did I miss? Since ehh when? You aren't even back for a whole week!"
Scar asked hectic and I glanced at Lizzie feeling the red around my nose. She on the other hand was laughing a bit over Scars reaction.

„Officially since the first day she came back."

„Damn it no!!" scar whined out and Lizzie and I exchanged a confused look.

„What's up with you? Why are you so anti Lizora?"
Lizzie asked and now I stared at her.

„Did you really just combined our names and formed a new one?" I asked her dead ass and she shrugged her shoulders.

„It sounded good in my head. Lizora or Norizzie. You decide."

„O-okay we won't use it anyway! But just so you know...Lizora sounds better. Could be a dinosaur name." I gave her my opinion and she tilted her head.

„Who's being childish now? A dinosaur name?"
She questioned and I shrugged my shoulders while pulling attention back to scar who still didn't answer the question on why she is so whiny about me and Lizzie being official.

„So wanna tell us now why you are so pressed about us being official?" I asked her and she rubbed her eyes before looking at me.

„I just lost a bet with Cobie. That's why I was so mad." she told us and we shared a look once again.

„I am curious now. What was the bet about?"
I asked her.

„Hold on you aren't mad that they bet on our relationship situation?" Lizzie interrupted and I shrugged my shoulders.

„Why would we? Honestly if I were them then I'd be doing the same. We both had a complicated history and a bet on how long it would take us to finally get together officially is only fair." I explained myself and defended scar making Lizzie just shake her head in disbelief. What a typical mother move.


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