After the high

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Lizzie POV

I was way to exhausted to clean myself up after Nora fucked the living hell outa me. I was laying in bed on my back, wanting to take a nap.

I felt Nora's presence move around me from one side of the bed to the other. She went to the closet I knew that without opening my eyes because one of the closet doors makes squeaking noises when it's being opened and closed.

After a moment I heard water fall in the bathroom which means she is cleaning herself up.
„Love I know you are sleeping. But imma clean you up since you can't really move from y'know.." she whispered and I kept my eyes closed pretending to be asleep just to enjoy this intimate moment even more.

„Not gonna lie I kinda feel a bit bad for making your legs weak. But hey we had our fun. I mean I did I hope yo did too. It sure sounded like it..
God why do I sound like an complete idiot." she apologized and I felt a wet warm cloth on my body cleaning me up.

„I can't believe that Chase and Quinn have their first sleepover at Scars place. You probably don't know it because I never talk about it but I don't want them to grow up I-." her voice trembled a bit and my heart melts on how motherly she is even with me now by cleaning me up.

„They are my baby's and I don't want them to see and realize how bad the world can be. I don't want them to get hurt. Ever, and if they do get hurt I will go riot on the ones who hurt them." she added while sniffing her nose.

„I really meant what I said today with you being the love of my life. I don't want you to ever think that I would cheat on you. You are my ride or die.
I would die for you and I would kill for you, which I did but that's not the point." she stopped talking but the wet cloth was still sliding over my skin.

„I never felt so close to anyone in my life.
Even after years and after everything we've been through you stayed beside me even though I don't deserve it since I was the one leaving you."
I felt a towel on me now to dry me up.

„I used to be terrified while I was alone. Day and night waiting for the time when my life will end. But when you were there I was less terrified than usual. Don't get me wrong my fear is still there.
But you help me to stay on the ground, most of the times, to focus on what's good for me. What's good for us."

„So I will be the one keeping you, Chase, Quinn and Chestnut safe. Because I knew how much I needed that safe space in my life when I didn't have it."

„Babe.." I mumbled and I saw how she raised herself up, drying her face from tears that fell.

„Did I wake you up?" she asked and I just smiled.

„It's okay." I replied not knowing, if it would be good if I would tell her that I purposely faked my sleep to listen on what she has to say. Because I don't know if she would have said those things while I was awake. Regardless I still wanted to hear them.

„I love you Nora Margot Lewis!" I confessed and she tilts her head a bit confused.

„Out of a sudden an I love you? I mean I love you too but I know that you love me." She joked around.

„Sometimes I feel like you need to be reminded of that. I love every single thing about you. Even the part that drives me mad, even the things that annoy me sometimes. I love you, completely, for who you were, for who are and for who you will be in the future."

„Wow. That last sentence really sounded beautiful."
A tear slips down her face and I raised my hand to swipe it off.

„I am sorry babe for earlier. I did and said things that were hurtful for you and you have every right to be mad about me." I apologized sincerely.

„It's all good now. I realized that you were acting in the heat of the moment. We both said hurtful things."

„Yes but still. I don't know why I was so insecure about you being unfaithful." I confessed.

„Well that's a relationship I guess. We both role of the track sometimes and then it's the duty of the partner to pull them back. This is life love."

„Younger than me and so wise." I mocked her and she rolled her eyes as she got up to get me some clothes.

„Ohh does that turn you on that I am younger AND wiser?" She asked as she threw some fresh clothes at me.

„Pff as if. I should be the one asking you if you get turned on by women who are older than you?"
I questioned as I put on the clothes she threw at me.

„Don't blame me. I didn't have a mom. So not even having a mom and still having mommy issues... really pressed if you ask me." she joked and I held my laugh my back not knowing if I am allowed to laugh since her mom is dead.

„You can laugh love. I'm making jokes it's a way of coping." she reassured me and I laughed now.

„But in all seriousness. It does turn me on. Women who are older than me." She admitted what was already glass clear.

„Well. Lucky me then that I made you fall for me."
I replied cocky and she rolled here eyes.

„Totally. Trembling and falling down to my knees."
She moved herself towards me in a falling motion and landed on her knees while holding onto her chest.

„Wow you are dramatic."

„I probably got it from my mom. Cause my father isn't dramatic at all." she added and I grabbed her chin to raise her head to kiss her.


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