After care

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Nora POV

„Good morning sunshine." Lizzie's raspy morning voice echoed in my ear making me smile while I had my face covered under the sheets.

„Good morning love." I replied but my voice was muffed from still being under the sheets.

„I got you some water. Don't want you to start your day dehydrated. Especially since last night was so hot." I heard her shake a water bottle and I stretched my arm out to grab it but she snatched it away.

„come on at least poke your head out of the blanket I wanna see my beautiful girlfriend in the morning." she complimented me gently.

„Beautiful? The only thing beautiful I see is you. Already dressed and ready to serve. Wow I am a mess compared to you." I replied as I looked at her fully dressed in grey pants with a white blouse and a black leather belt. Her hair was tugged behind one ear and she had a gorgeous gorgeous smile on her face.

„A mess I wanna wake up to every morning. I love your morning looks." she told me as she looked down on me.

„Well it's the most comfortable one." I rambled and her smile grew.

„Yes and this makes you shine even more."  She told me as she gave me a kiss on my head.

„I don't even wanna look into the mirror to see that nest of hair I have." I sat myself up and drank some out of the water bottle she gave me.

„How can you be so perfectly ready? It's... 7 in the morning." I asked her and it clearly shows who is a morning person.

„Well I didn't get fucked so hard last night. So maybe that's a point. How are you feeling?" she asked me thoughtfully reminding me of last night.

„Sore." I whined a bit and she smiled faintly.

„Sorry babe. I-."

„Oh please never apologize for fucking me the right way, besides I was practically asking for it."
I replied and she laughed lightly.

„I made you a warm bath come on." she pulled the blanket away and I really didn't want to get up partly because my body hurts and partly because I just wanted to stay in bed longer.

„Ugh fine. Give me like 15 minutes till I'll reach that bathtub." I joked as I slowly started to lift my legs up and because I was so focused I didn't realized that Lizzie walked up to me to pick me up from over her shoulder.

„Hey I could have done that myself!" I yelled out and she laughed while tapping my ass.

„Oh yeah?? By the time you will reach that bathtub the water would be cold already. Let me just do this for you babe. Here you go." she sat me down on the edge of the filled bathtub that was already smelling good. I pulled my shirt off which was the only thing I wore and slid in letting out a deep sigh of relief.

„Fuck I didn't know I needed this so badly. Thank you babe. I owe you."

„Anything for you love. Seeing you relaxed and relieved is rewarding enough for me." She added as she kissed me on the forehead and that made me even melt more.

„What about the kids? I need to drive them to school and Chestnut-." I was about to lift myself up but Lizzie looked at me sternly with a tilted head.

„Slide back in!! I am taking care of it don't worry."

„Alright, but I will pick them up later then. Oh and there is an teachers appointment at the school.
The teacher said if you'd care to join you can."
I told her even though I might should have told her sooner.

„What is the appointment about?"
She asked me while she was adjusting her lipstick in front of the mirror.

„She told me briefly something about the twins progress. I don't know more." I told her as I leaned back further into the bathtub to relax.

She?? I see how it is. I'll try my best to make it today I hope I will get out from that conference earlier today. If not I need to know everything!!"

„Everything about the kids progress or about the female teacher? Did I catch some jealous undertone in your voice?" I asked her teasingly and I watched her cuff her blouse arm up till it reached her elbow.

„Me and jealous?" she asked as she leaned forward to rest one hand on the side of the bathtub while her other arm was diving into the warm water till her hand reached my sweet spot to stroke it gently.

„See how you just whimpered? I got nothing to be jealous about because I know you are mine." she whispered while she looked me deep into my eyes.

„Fuck you Olsen." I replied as I composed myself again. She had a grin on her face as she pulled her arm out but her hand was awfully slow stroking up touching my belly and breasts till she reached my face to give me a soft slap as a tap on my cheek.

„Spoiler alert I already did that in the shower this morning." she told me as she winked at me which made me bite my lip.

„What was last night not enough for you?" I asked her cocky and she laughed while drying off her arm.

„I had to. Especially with that view I had last night. It left a mark in my mind and I couldn't help myself. Besides babe." she leaned down to kiss me before finishing her sentence. „I can never get enough of you."

„Come on fuck me already with that ego that you have in your aura. What was in your coffee today?"

„Just some milk. But I had an AWESOME night and there is this hot, stunningly gorgeous woman I have in my life. She just lifts my ego up sometimes."
She bragged and I couldn't help myself but to smirk at her words.

„Wow this woman must be the luckiest one walking this earth."

„I am the luckiest one for sure. She is my favorite stranger." she told me and an old memory flashed into my mind. How I wrote her that letter at the very beginning of our journey not even knowing who she was, but I knew deep down I'd fall for her head over heels, she kept it in her mind how I signed that letter and it was „your stranger hm...
I love you Liz!"  I told her and she leaned down for a kiss.

„I love you too. Your not just any stranger babe. You are my favorite one. The one I love the most. The one and only." she showered me with kisses and after some minutes of being in heaven we got interrupted by her phone ringing which made her sigh in disappointment.

„Duty is calling." she whispered as she leans her head against mine letting it rest there for a moment.

„Come on I don't want you to be late."
She turned around and I spanked her ass leaning a dark grey wet handprint on it. She gasped as she turned around to see what I have created. A masterpiece. If I'd have my phone here I would capturer this moment. It's hilarious.

„Oh screw you fuck Nora I NEED TO GO TO WORK!! What am I gonna do now this won't dry until I'll be there."

„Let's just hope your drive there will help drying it. If not. See it as a little souvenir babe. Besides, no one should be even allowed to look at that ass cause that is mine!! And for anyone who does it they will see that it belongs to someone already. Be prepared to get a hickey as a souvenir the next time." I winked at her and she rolled her eyes.

„Mark my words this is not over! You might win this fight, but I will win this war you declared!" she pointed her finger at me and her phone started to ring again.

„FUCK ugh I hate you so bad for this now." she whines as she shut off her phone to leave.

„I LOVE YOU TOO BABE!!" I yelled back as she was already on the go.

„I love you to.." she answered back as she tilted her head back in to let me know before leaving completely.


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