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Lizzie POV

I don't know what it is but I can't hold myself back any longer when it comes to touching Nora.
It's like a desire that has been burning in me for so long and now I can't tame it anymore.

„What are you waiting for?" she ripped me out of my thoughts by asking this question. I completely zoned out for a moment as I took in how she half way laying there on the kitchen island. Her legs are spread with my hands that were resting on her thighs.

„Nothing. I just wanted to take this moment in before I eat you out." I told her cocky and I can see how she turned red around her nose.
Gosh she can be so fucking adorable sometimes.

„Go ahead then." she dared and I tilted my head.

I moved my hands to her pants to unzip them so I can slide them down completely. I tossed them aside and her slip followed the same way.
Down here thighs, passing her knees until they slid off her feet to fall to the ground.

Lust was lingering in her deep brown eyes that I got lost in every time I looked at them for to long.
A slight smirk rested on her face. She was trying to hide how much she enjoyed me or this view she had.

But I could see on the corner of her beautiful lip how a small dimple spears whenever she smirks or smiles. She drives me crazy but I love it and I wouldn't want it any other way. I just realized it way to late. Cause I regret on all the time we missed out on one another.

I stroked my hands up and down her thighs sliding a bit further to her center every time I stroke my hands up again. Her skin felt hot. She is hot.

I kept my eyes on her watching how she enjoys having my hands on her. Her head is tilted back and her eyes are closed. She's smirking visibly now and I can see how she's throbbing down there.

I began to kiss her thighs to leave some bite marks between her legs wanting to see how I marked my way to the center. As I reached her pussy i slid my tongue through her folds making her moan loud now.

I knew instantly that this was a deep moan that was testing in her stomach and throat. One that was meant to be heard. And one that can be heard now since we are all alone.

„Oh how I wish I could've heard you moan this loud last night." I mumbled while still licking her. The vibration she felt made her groan to reach for my head to push it further into her if that was even possible.

„fuck yes!!" she whined and I raised a brow surprised. The way she dragged those words out made me just as wet as she is.

„You like that?" I asked as I dived back in and she hummed while shaking her head violently yes.

„Please. Don't make me wait." she already begged and I felt how my stomach twitched.

„I don't know. Do you deserve this? You've been disobeying me a lot earlier."

„Please I will stop."

„Oh I know this not true. You love being bitchy and disobedient."

„But I Love it. Especially the sex we have when I take care of this slut that is laying beneath me." I told her and she chuckled while smirking down on me.

„Well I guess it's a win win situation then."

„Oh yes. Depending on if you obey me now. Can you hold it in until I tell you to release?"

„I can't promise that. But I'll try." she replied while tilting her head and I smirked.

As she thought I'd slide my tongue back in I decided other wise so pushed two fingers in making her take in a sharp breath.

„Looks like you won't be able to hold in for long. I can already feel how you clench around me. So desperate." I mocked her and she rolled her eyes on me.

„Sweetheart. What did I tell you about rolling your eyes on me?" I questioned and she smiled down on me.

„I don't know. Something about „I can make you role your eyes back without using any words" then why don't you prove that?" she dared and I raised a brow.

„Looks like you really want to learn it the hard way." I talked back slid in a third making her role her eyes back while letting out a loud moan.

„Now this is what I wanna see. How you fold just by having three fingers inside of you."

„You're enjoying yourself aren't you?" she breathed out and I moved my fingers to her g spot making her moan again.

„Oh you can bet on it that I am enjoying this to the fullest." I replied cocky and she smiled down on me while biting her lips.

I started to move my fingers in and out again and she tilted her head back trying to let lose but I won't let her get it the easy way. I spit down on her clit and rubbed my thumb around it to apply some pressure making her while louder than before. Her hands gripped the kitchen island and her knuckles turned white from the tense grip she had.

„you're so fucking hot when I fuck you." I complimented her and she hummed in reply probably not being able to form any words.

I kept my movements fast and replaced my thumb on her clit with my lips sucking on it to make her scream out in pure euphoria. I felt how she was clenching around my fingers more and more and I feel like I know the breaking point when she will come.

She won't tell me that she is close hoping that she can come without letting me know ahead. But I know her and especially her insides.
As I felt how she was close and how her breath increased on speed I pulled my fingers out making her head shot Up immediately.

She looked furious. „What the fuck?" she replied and I smirked while I was licking my fingers clean.

„I told you that you need to learn it the hard way."

„You're cruel."

„Looks like this punishment teaches you a lesson love." I kissed her on the cheek.

„Think about this moment whenever you want to disobey me." I added and she rolled her eyes while letting out a sigh.

„You know what. I'll ride it off on my own then. A punishment for you is you will hear me scream and finish because I did it myself." she replied while getting off the counter to grab her clothes that laid on the wooden floor.


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