A „private" conversation..

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Lizzie POV

Time went by and the lunch was going alright.
They didn't drop as many questioning things as they all used to. They were still blunt and straight forward but at least they were honest about the conversations.

To me it seems like they really want to try to improve their relationship with Nora and I here for it as long as Nora wants it too.

We were all currently spread out in the living room. Jessica was talking to Wess while Sara and Oliver were together. I was just observing the conversations and moments only realizing now that Nora wasn't next to me nor was she in the living room and George wasn't either.

I was curious and walked out to go upstairs to see if I can find them. Down the hall I saw a door slightly open so I walked up and looked through shortly to see Nora sit on a bed with her father next to her. She was sitting crisscross while he sat there straight up.

I didn't want to dash into their conversation and I didn't want to eavesdrop neither. But I couldn't help myself. I wanted to know what he has to say.

„I wasn't in this room for years." he confessed.

„Why?" she asked back as she looked around.

„I simply couldn't. It didn't feel right to stand in my daughters room when she is dead. I wanted it to be just as it was left behind in case you'd come back. So that you'd find your room how it used to be."

„Wouldn't be a lot of dust on my things then?" she pointed to her old desk that was remarkably clean.

„I let the maid clean this room regularly. I didn't want time to leave it's mark with dust all over your stuff."

„And my unmade bed? What about that?"

„You left that bed unmade. You always did. So I let it stay like this. You can make it now." he answered and she chuckled.

„Yeah, what's the point in making the bed when it ends ups being unmade anyways."

„Your mom thought that too. But she still made the bed."

„Why?" she asked him wanting to know more about her dead mother.

„She was always happy to unmake the bed after a long day." he explained and silence fell between them.

„I am sorry that you never got to know her."
He added and Nora let out a sigh.

„Yeah so am I." she mumbled.

„Look I know our relationship was terrible and I know it is my fault. But I want to change that for the better for both of us. So I've been meaning to give you this." I squinted my eyes to see him pull out something sparkling.

„What is this?" Nora took a hold of it while George looked down on it.

„It's your mothers engagement ring."
He answered.

„It's beautiful." Nora mumbled as she looked at it closely from every angle.

„I wanted something that resembles your mother. This ring was perfect."

„Because it's green?" she asked and he hummed.

„She had the most beautiful green eyes I have ever laid eyes on. Not a single green on this earth came close to her eyes."

„What do you want me to do with it?" she asked him.

„How about you put that ring onto Elizabeth's hand?" he asked and I stumbled back slapping my inner self on hoping that they didn't hear me.

„You want me to what?"

„Her hand looks empty. That ring would fit her and match with her eyes. Looks like we both have a weak spot for green eyes." he joked and I wanted to laugh but I kept my mouth shut.

„I don't know.." Nora breathed out. She sounds doubtful.

„You don't know what?"

„I don't even know if she wants to marry me."

„She would never reject you."

„How can you be so sure?" she asked him.

„I noticed the way she looks at you when you are occupied in conversations. She's madly in love with you." he answered and I smiled at myself.

„You guys fit together. Even though you guys might argue and fight a lot. I am sure you both have even more beautiful moments together."
Oh yeah he's right with that.

„I think she just needs to do some paperwork, but I am sure that this won't hold her back from marrying you."

„Yeah I might have done something there." she whispered quiet enough that George looked confused from not understanding but I did. What is it that she did?

„What did you say? My ears aren't the youngest anymore."


„Alright. So what do you think?"

„I want to marry her, really really bad."

„See. In order to get what you want you need to ask for that sometimes. So ask her."

„What if she says no?"

„You doubt yourself to much. She will say yes and if not. You will know the answer to that question at least and you can move on."

„Oh I can never move on from her. Even if she says no. She's my one and only."

„Then make it clear by proposing to her. Let her know what you want and how you feel."

„With that ring? Are you sure about passing it onto me?" she asked him and he nod.

„Absolutely. I could have passed the ring onto your siblings but it never felt right I can't explain why.
I want you to have it and I want you to pass it onto Lizzie so after decades you you both can pass it onto your children. Let this ring carry on deep and devoted love story's. I want that ring to live and be loved in many generations. This way I will know that Margot will live on."  he explained her and I couldn't help myself but to cry in silence.

„It's beautiful how you described it. I will pass this ring onto Lizzie. I will ask her. I just need.. the right moment to do so. Cause y'know that's not an every day question." she joked and I smiled down onto my ring finger that used to have a ring around it.

„Of course. Don't blur it out. Especially not düng sex."

„Oh god please let's not have this conversation."

„I am sorry. It's just.. there are better moments where you can propose."

„Well during a Love act is actually alright. But I get what you mean. I am done with this conversation."

„Yeah so am I. Just don't over do it. I am sure Lizzie doesn't need all that cinematic proposal and all that stuff."

„I'll figure about something out."

„Of course you will, you always do. You know what she likes best so do your thing and the next time I see you two together I want to see that ring on her finger."

„Wow the pressure."

„Come on let's be real I know I will see you in a couple of months at least. It's okay but I want to see my last kid getting married." he replied while giving her a side hug as she leaned her head on his shoulder.


A/n: the plot thickens hehe. Been silent with updating for a while but I need to find m motivation to write again. Hope I will get it back just wanted to give you guys something.

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love ✌🏽❤️


ONLY YOU (BOOK 5) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora