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Narrator POV

„I swear sometimes I feel like I am taking care of a teenager without any temper." Lizzie answered as she stroked over Nora's bruise with a wet cloth.

„I did it for you." Nora mumbled after she let the silence sit between them. Lizzie turned towards her now. Their eyes met and time froze. Both were standing there in the kitchen hand in hand eyes locked. The dimmed lights hugged both of them and gave them a warm yet slightly unsettling mood.

„You didn't have to." Lizzie replied simple.

„But I wanted to. I defend the ones I love with all I have." Nora told her honestly.

„I know you do. But this is makes you do some reckless shit sometimes and I don't want you to get hurt just because you are defending me."

„What did the officers do there? Didn't they stop you?" Lizzie asked as she kept on cleaning the wounds and cuts on Nora's hand.

„They stopped me after he got his punch. They weren't so rough with me." she told her not bothering to mention that one officer who is willing to help her now. She doesn't want to give Lizzie false hopes just in case this might not work in her favor.

„What did you even think when you were there? How did you feel? After all he tried to kill you.."
Lizzie asked knowing that this is especially hard for Nora.

„I'm fine. Seeing him this way helped me get over it a bit more. Felt like a reward even." She joked as she raised her brows.

„To be honest I snooped through your bag earlier this morning. I send the kids to school let chestnut be with Beth and made my way to the prison. I read the divorce papers when I was in the parking lot there. I thought if I'd ask him to sign it, it would work."

„You're adorable. You really thought that he'd sign that fucking contract when you would show up? Babe. He tried to kill you and you stole his wife."
She reminded her even thought she didn't had to.

„EX- wife!! Please. Don't make me act up on those words love." Nora warned her.

„I thought I could convince him. I have my ways to make people do what I want." She added while shrugging her shoulders.

„Oh I know and those ways are not just sparkling with your deep brown eyes and sweet words."

„See you know how convincing I can be."
Nora smirked as she said it.

„But you better not use this technique on anyone else than me! You hear that. You are mine." Lizzie told Nora's as she squeezed her face with her free hand.

„I am yours? Is that so hm?" Nora questioned teasingly.

„You are playing with me I know that."

„Oh I am not playing any games. Besides! I did not „steal" you from him! But if I would have you'd be the best treasure ever."

„You are flattering me stop." Good that the lights were dimmed or else Nora would have seen how red Lizzie became around her nose. Still after all those years they can still make each other blush.

„It's true though. You are my most precious treasure with our kids and chestnut."

„So are you to me love!" Lizzie reciprocated.

„Ugh I really need to come up with some other techniques to make him sign." Lizzie rolled her eyes as she said it.

„Don't tell me you wanna show up there naked? You've shown enough skin to that bastard."
Nora told her sternly and protective.

„No but it's just.. I just want it to be over. I have this pressure on me knowing that he is so satisfied that we are still married."

„You won't do a thing you hear me!"

„Nora I have to do something. It can't stay this way."

„I know love. But still just let it rest for a while and things will settle on it's own. Maybe he will come to his senses after I punched him so bad that he started bleeding." Nora told her and with saying „settle" she actually means stir shit up because Nora most definitely won't stand still after this interaction today.

Nora won't rest until she sees that signed contract.

„Are you still mad at me?" Lizzie asked as she kept her head low looking at Nora's hands with her rings and stroking the edges of the bruises to ease the pain she is feeling.

„Totally." Nora told her bluntly and that made Lizzie's head shot up so they'd look at each other.
This made Nora laugh.

„Sorry babe. Bad jokes." she told her and Lizzie rolled her eyes.

„But jokes aside. I just wish you would have told me. We can sort things out together. If you can't tell me the things that are on your mind write them down for me. However we communicate the most important thing is that we do and that we try to make each other understand. I was and I am and I will be madly in love you Elizabeth. Please never forget that." Nora explained herself as she intertwined her hands with Lizzie's to squeeze them lightly.

„I promise you no more secrets unless they are good secrets." Lizzie answered as she swallowed her tears.

„And what is your definition of „good secrets?"
Nora asked she squinted her eyes at her girlfriend.

„Like surprises. Those are good secrets."

„Oh okay." Nora nod.

Now she was thinking of that offer from this officer and if that is a bad secret or not? It will bring Lizzie joy when it works out. So... Nora's gonna swallow that little detail first she doesn't want to stir things up again.


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