A second chance?

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Nora POV

„Nora? Is that you?" I picked up the phone call without saying anything at first because I usually never get a call from that one person.

„Yes Jessica...it's me." I spoke up to my bitch of a stepmother. I never liked her. She knows it. Everyone does know that we never had an easy relationship. I'd say there were a lot of ups and downs but that would be a blunt lie.

I just had downs with her. No ups at all.
„What do I owe the pleasure to?" I asked sarcastically while looking out the big window to watch how Lizzie was working on some plants.

„Well. I was wondering. If you'd like to come by for lunch or dinner."

„Is there a special occasion? I have a really packed up schedule. Y'know having kids and all but I guess I should correct myself. You let your kids get raised by maids and nanny's." I fired back and was met with a short moment of silence.

You hear that? She's doing it again I can't-."
I heard her mumble a she probably tried to cover up her microphone.

„Looks you don't have to try anything on me. Just because I am officially back alive, if I can say it like that, doesn't mean that you need to fake your kindness towards me."

„No it's not that. Please come by. I feel like god is giving me a second chance with you. I want to fix what I broke and I've changed in those years that you've been absent. We all did." she pleaded and Lizzie looked at me waving and giving me a wink.

I smiled faintly and turned away from her to walk to the kitchen to get me something to drink.
„I'll take this silence as a yes." she added and this was actually a silent no.

„Y'know what. I was about to talk myself out of it. Because we both know how things went between us. But I am curious if you've really changed. Or if this is just another lie I fall for. I'll creat my own picture out of it."

„Great! I won't disappoint you I promise."

„Don't worry. I am expecting disappointment so that the actual disappointment doesn't hit that hard when it comes."

„Yeah whatever suits you. See you soon dear."
I hummed and hung up the call. A shiver went through as the word „dear" echoed through my mind. She never called me that.

„What's up with that shiver? Are you okay?" I turned around to see how Lizzie stood there with her muddy hands.

„I am yeah." I replied while opening my water bottle to drink out of it.

„Who was that on the phone?" she asked as she walked up to the sink to start washing her hands.

„That my love, was my dearest stepmother Jessica." I told her as I pulled myself up to sit on the kitchen island.

„Wait a damn minute. What on earth happened that she is calling you? Didn't you had a horrible relationship with her?" she asked me multiple questions at once while she pulled her attention to me by stopping what she was doing.

„I did. But she thinks since I am ‚back from the dead'
we should try to fix it. I guess she wants to start over." I answered and Lizzie washed her hands quick to dry them off so she can come up to me.

„And how do you feel about it babe?" she asked while emphasizing the word you. She walked up to me took a sip from my bottle and placed it next to me where I was sitting. She grabbed me by my waist to pull me in closer to her.

„I don't know. It's weird I won't deny that. I have an extraordinary situation with my family. You know that. So I don't know if I should be thankfully taking that second chance or if I should decline that offer."

„You are still hurt. I can feel and hear it in your voice babe. Seems like this topic never left your mind. But I can sense that you are closing up on this opportunity. Why?"

„I've been hurt to many times in this life. Even though I expect bring disappointed I still have hope lingering in me deep down. Because of that old me who deserved a new start. A new family."

„Well if things go south you definitely have a new family. You have Chase, Quinn, Chestnut and me!! Your friends are like family too!"

„I know and I am extremely thankful to have you all by my side every day. But I am just-."

„Afraid of getting hurt again. I get it babe."

„Yeah. What would you do if you'd stay in my shoes?" I asked and she glanced down onto mine before looking back up to me.

„First I'd change those dirty sneakers into new ones."

„Oh fuck off babe. I was trying to be a bit deep and you switch the mood in me within seconds." I laughed and so did she.

„Sorry love. I saw that opportunity and I took it."

„You really went on full mom mode on me and m shoes." I joked further and my heart melted as I see how her nose scrunches.

„Jokes aside love. I'd be just as emotionally unsure as you are now. But I am a sucker for making up for things that have happened. I never want to split contact with a person and have bad blood between us. I couldn't live with it." she explained herself and I nod while listening carefully.

„Wow the forgiven Lizzie! Our saint lady's and gents and everything in between." I joked and she punched my shoulder lightly.

„Please. I am Everything but a saint is not on that list. But in all seriousness love. Take that chance. Try it and if it works then I am happy for you. If it doesn't work out then I am here for you to give you the comfort you need to get over it. Either way. You won't know what will happen if you don't try." she encouraged me and I couldn't help myself but to kiss her as in a thank you gesture.

„Thanks babe. I appreciate it a lot!"

„Anytime love. You know I am your rock bottom. If there is anything else you need to talk about then I am here to listen." she added as she gave me a kiss on the head which came unexpected. But I loved it.


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