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Nora POV

I stopped my car right in front of the front door.
To my other side was the water fountain I used to throw a coin in when I wished for my mom to be alive... As I got up to get out I felt the pebbles right beneath me.

„Here goes nothing." I mumbled to myself and walked up the door to ring the bell.

„Halo miss Lewis welcome back." the maid opened the door for me and I saw Jessica right behind her jogging up to my direction.

„Nora! So good to see you again I am happy to have you back home." she welcomed me in her arms and that took me by surprise. After I tapped my hand on her back like a fucking weirdo I separated myself from her.

„Yeah great." I replied with a low voice.

„Come, come on in. Can I get you anything to drink?" she asked me while resting her hand on the back of my waist.

„I'll have some wine during our lunch. I am also driving so I shouldn't drink that much." I answered and she nod while we walked into the dinning room.

„Where is everyone?" I asked being a bit curious.

„Y'know everyone has their own places by now. Your siblings are usually here over the weekends.
Your father and I are alone here most of the time."
She replied and I nod while walking around.

„You know you don't need that much space right?
I mean I was never impressed by this big ass house or mansion or whatever you wanna call it anyway. It never felt like a home to me."

„Well we are kinda stuck on it. We love it here even if we don't use most of the rooms." She explained while we walked up to the dinning table.
It still hasn't changed. I remember how many fucked up situations happened here especially the one where scar and Lizzie sat on the table as well.

„Besides when everyone is here, most of the rooms are filled." She added with a smile on her face.

„Come on you don't have that many kids. We can't fill up all the rooms." I told her and she shook her head after we sat down.

„But your siblings have created family's too by now." She answered and I raised a brow being a bit surprised that this all happened in the past six years of my absence.

„They did? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked surprised.

„Well. The last time we saw each other you were in a hospital bed recovering. I don't think it was appropriate to put these information out in that environment."

„Yeah I get that. How many kids do they have?"

„Oliver has four kids with his wife Pauline. Two girls and two boy. Sara had triplets and-."

„Triplets? Damn it was already hard enough for me to have twins and she had three at once?"

„Yeah it was a really hard time. They are two boys and one girl."

„And what about Wess?" I asked.

„He has one daughter. So the rooms get filled up a lot on the weekends. You should come by one time with your twins I am sure they would love to get to know their cousin's." she implied and I hummed not knowing at first how to reply to that.

„To be honest Jessica I've kept my kids away from my side of the family for good reasons.
You probably know why." I told her while chewing on my food.

„I know. I get it. We have our history. Just know that if you want to come by one day you always can. Or whatever it is. If you need anything please don't hesitate to tell us." she reassured me as she placed her hand on my thigh to stroke It for a quick moment.

„Thanks. I'll keep that in mind." I replied dry.

„Nora, I know we have our difficulties... and things were never easy between us. You always made me feel like I wasn't enough to be your mom. But that's not the point I was trying to make. What I am trying to say is..." she held in for a moment before moving on.

„I know I can't put all my sorrow into words. But I am extremely and deeply sorry for how things were between us. I hope we can put this rivalry aside and get closer one day."

„Are you asking me for my forgiveness?" I asked her while letting out a chuckle and she nod.

„Damn I'd like to let that sink in for a moment.
Never in a million years would I have thought that you'd ask for forgiveness." my sarcasm seeped through and she looked a bit surprised. I took a big gulp of my wine to distract myself from the situation just for some seconds.

„Okay my bad, this wasn't appropriate I know this is a serious conversation. Y'know intrusive thoughts and that." I pointed at my head and she nod.

„I can't tell if I will forgive you Jessica. Not just you, but everyone. And maybe if I do forgive you guys one day I will never, and I mean it really... I will never forget. I Hope with time that I can forgive you one day. I am not working on it not just for myself but for my children too. So I can be a good role model for them one day."

„Okay. I get that. I will wait then. Sara told you last time that we all go to therapy together and also separated on our own. We all try to become a better version of ourselves."

„I know. I can see that you are trying. It is hard to believe sometimes. Because I never thought this was even possible." I answered her honest.

„Your death has changed us all. It was devastating for all of us even if you might not believe it. But we all became someone knew that day when the police officers stood in front of our door."

„Did he cry?" I asked her being curious if my father shed a tear because of my death or not.

„Never in my life have I seen him cry the way he did on your death day. He had a heart attack that day. After he recovered he became depressed and an alcoholic." She told me sadly and I honestly feel a mix of being glad about it because y'know karma and on the other side I kinda pity him for that.

„Wow. He showed how much he cared after it was to late..."

„I hope it's not to late now?" she questioned carefully.

„Implying on a second chance I see." I replied while raising my brows.

„He's weak. I don't think he has much longer."
She added being visibly sad about it. Despite the things that happened I really think that she loves him deeply.

„Jessica. You can't force me into forgiving him because he's becoming older. This isn't how this works." I explained myself and she nod.

„He bailed you out of jail didn't he?" She tried to remind me even though I didn't forget.

„First off. I did not ask for him to do so. Second off, this was the least he could do as a start off to redeem himself." I replied a bit mad now.

„Your lover asked him to do that."

„You mean my girlfriend? She asked him to bail me out?" I asked and she nod.

„Yes. She did. She was on the phone with him on your trial day. Multiple times and even after that too." she added and I am honestly a bit shocked that she didn't tell me.

„Are you inventing this information because you want to create a wedge between me and Lizzie?"
I asked being visibly mad now.

„No. I am not Nora. I am telling you the truth and I don't have any good reason to creat a wedge between you both. Lizzie is a great woman for you.
I just wanted you to know that she kept tight contact with George." she told me and I couldn't swallow an ounce of food any longer.
I chucked my glass of wine down and leaned back wanting to leave immediately because I need to hear it from Lizzie if it's true or not.


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