Drive home

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Nora POV

„Soo..." Lizzie spoke up as we drove for 10 minutes in silence.

„Is everything okay?" I asked her and she hummed.

„Yeah totally. And with you? Are you alright?" she asked me and I nod.

„Absolutely." I replied quick and I have a feeling we both know that this is not the completely honest answer of me.

„How do you feel after this family reunion?"
She asked me.

„Exhausted. But not in a horrible way. Nothing bad happened which is odd and hard to believe. No big fights. It's like stepping into new water. You don't know what's waiting for you."

„It sounds like fear to me." She analyzed.

„Who are you my therapist?" I asked jokingly and she pushed my shoulder playfully in respond.

„Let's be honest babe I kinda am your therapist. As a girlfriend it is my duty to help you and I don't wanna hurt you by saying this but you need mental help and I am trying to give you that."

„Wow." I replied dry.

„Oh god I am sorry I thought-."

„You started to use my mental health as jokes to roast me. I use them as a coping mechanism but hun I love that side of you. I'd usually say that I am the only one allowed to make mental health jokes, but for you. Imma let it slide this time."

„This time? What's gonna happen when I do more „jokes" like this?" she questioned in a chuckle and I shrugged my shoulders.

„I don't know. I haven't made my mind up about it yet. But you might get a bit punished for it."
I answered while a smirk rested on my face.

„Ohh so that's what you wanna do. Punish me? Your professor?"

„Once professor. Please love we are way past that stage. You are already my girlfriend." I poked her face playfully.

„Yeah you can check off „getting your professor to become your girlfriend" from your to do list."

„I already checked that imaginary."

„You're a dork." She laughed.

„I know. But I am your dork." I told her lovingly and I felt her hand slide onto my thigh to let it rest there.

Comforting silence fell between us. As we stopped at red lights I managed to get to glance to Lizzie. Seeing how the red lights of the tragic lights hug her features. The little read dots glimpses in her eyes. I could watch her forever and I'd get lost in her sight every time.

A honking car behind us pulled me out of the daydream.  „Man what a bitch." I mumbled as I waved off my arm from outside the window while I started to drive since it's green.

„Are you okay?" Lizzie asked me.

„Yeah. I was just distracted for a moment."

„By the way how did the conversation with your father go?" she questioned me and I started to think about the ring that is in my jeans pocket.

„Ehh. Great yeah." She caught me off guard with that question.

„What did you talk about?" she diggs in deeper and I am fumbling in my mind trying to come up with an emergency lie.

„Ehh. Sports."

„Sports? Really?" she questioned with a skeptical undertone. Shoot she knows I am lying. What do I do? Come on Nora.

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