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Lizzie POV

„Hey there don't you think this is enough of wine for today?" Nora asked me as I felt her distant presence behind me.

„Clearly not enough. Maybe you should catch up."
I replied grumpy as I closed the bottle cause I already have my refill.

„I can already smell that wine flag from afar. Love what's going on?" she asked me as she leaned against the door frame with her hands crossed over in front of her stomach.

I scoffed in reply making her raise a brow.
„I don't know what drove up your ass today but I've been really patient and calm with you. Why the fuck are you acting like a freaking teenager who refuses to talk to their parent? Is that what we are?" she fired back.

„I don't know what the fuck we are sometimes!"
I yelled out and she staid silent.

„Is that what you think? Is that really going on in your mind on some days?" she asked me with a calmer voice yet the way she said it wasn't gentle at all.

„What cat stole your tongue?"

„Oh come on don't come around with your cocky attitude."

„I'm not being cocky. I've asked you several questions and all I get is the fucking silent treatment that makes me go insane on the inside."
She raised her voice slightly.

„You got nothing to say? Rather fill your throat with wine? Fine. How about you choke on it and maybe you will realize some things after."

„Where the fuck are you running off to now?"
I Yelled after her as she walked off.

„I need a fucking cigarette and I am not smoking in the kitchen." she yelled back.

„I told you to stop smoking. I thought you stopped?" I asked her getting mad.

„Guess what darling you making me wanna start smoking again!" she fired back and I just watched her how she exited the house.

„You are not gonna smoke another cigarette.
I already smelled how you smoked on earlier. You think this is good for you?"

„I know it's not good for me, please for fucking sake don't come around trying to lecture me like you used to do back in the days." she yelled back and our voices were echoing around us making birds fly off.

„Give me that." I grabbed the cigarettes she wanted to unpack and threw them into the fire pit.
I poured my wine over it and took her lighter throwing it in there while it's on.

„Fuck you for doing that, you think this is the only package I have hidden at home." she pointed at the burning package of cigarettes before she walked past me.

„I want you to stop smoking. Is that to much to ask for?"

„And I want you to stop driving me insane. Hm looks like we both won't get what we want." she mocked me and I rolled my eyes at her.

„Well you are the one who is giving me plenty of reason to act this way."

„I AM AT FAULT? wow why am I even surprised of this assumption." she replied sarcastically.

„Then why aren't you honest with me?"
I asked her and she stopped in the living room to turn around.

„When have I been dishonest to you?" she questioned back irritated.

„Oh please don't act so surprised as if you wouldn't know."

„Elizabeth! Can you fucking answer my question for once? I want a clear answer or I won't put myself up with this shit."

„Shit? Is that what our arguing is?"

„It sure feels like it because I still don't know why the fuck you are mad."

„I SAW YOU CHEATING ON ME!" I screamed at her as I felt how tears rolled down my face.

The room went silent. She froze right in front of me watching me how each and every tear drops to the wooden floor beneath us. I don't know what she thinks.
I'm not sure how she feels. But I sure do know that there is a certain type of concern resting behind her eyes.

„I never cheated." she whispered.

„Don't lie to me. I saw it with my own eye.
I was there." I told her as I was choking on my tears.

„When? Where? I would never cheat on you.
I wouldn't even consider it."

„Today. In School. You had that teacher all up in yourself." she mouthed an o shape wanting to say something. I don't know why she is acting all confused.

„You mean Hailee?" she asked me irritated and I had no idea who that was.

„First name basis already? You are moving fast."
I answered sarcastically through my tears and she went to the kitchen leaving me here on the spot.

„I never cheated. What you saw was an illusion
Elizabeth." she walked back handing me a tissue over even though we used to dry off each others tears. The way she says my name hurts me even more now.

„So you are calling me delusional?" I asked her and she let out a sigh of annoyance.

„I'm not!! I did not cheat how often do I have to repeat myself?"

„And what is that on your shirt? Those red spots? Isn't that lipstick?"

„Your eyes are to watery to see that clear, but those are blood stains Elizabeth." she answered as she raised her shirt.

„Blood? Really? I don't see any wounds on you."
I replied not believing her.

„That is because it's not my blood. It was Chases blood."

„What? Wait when? What happened?" I perforated her with questions.

„Well if you would care enough to ask I would have told you that hours ago. But you were so caught up on-."

„Caught up on the fact that you cheated on me!"

„I NEVER FUCKING CHEATED!!!" she yelled back snapping again and the room went silent again.

„This parent teacher meeting was about Chase and Quinn. We talked about them but our conversation was drifting off at some point and she shared some private manners that evolve around her ex relationship. She was so lost and upset that she began to cry a lot. I got up and handed her a tissue over. She was still crying heavy regardless and she leaned her head against my hip. I gave her the temporary comfort she needed and after that we separated. I don't get what drove into your mind once you saw it but it was not true."
She answered and I can't explain it but my heart feels at ease now. She doesn't even show any evidence but her tone on how she explained herself was enough for me.

She wasn't screaming at all. She was not trying to defend herself desperately. She was calm and resilient. As if she closed up on that topic probably thinking if she won't believe me now then she won't believe me later.

„You will sleep in the guest room tonight. I don't want to see or hear you at all." she replied as I was still standing there silently regretting that I let my mind spiral the way it did.

„I would never even dare to think of cheating on the love of my life. This assumption of yours really hurt me Olsen." she stopped and looked at me shortly.

„Maybe I am not yours. But you are mine and I would never do such thing to you. I don't know if those are insecurities or anything else. But to me it seems like you wanted to believe your illusion so bad." she added sounding extremely disappointed and hurt.

„Babe I'm.."

„No. Haven't I made myself clear? I am done for today." she whispered hurt and cold walking off to go upstairs.


A/n: thought imma make it a double this time heheh

Be prepared for the next

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love ✌🏽❤️


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