Dog park

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Nora POV

„Chestnut babe!!" I called out for her as I walked into the cafe and within seconds I saw her come around from the counter. She ran up to me and I knelled down letting her jump onto me. I was greeted with her face licking that I believe are kisses from this golden angel.

„My beautiful beautiful girl. Did you miss me?"
I asked her and she barked as her fluffy rail was wiggling without an end.

„I didn't expect for her to freak out this much.
I was just babysitting her for one day." Beth walked around as she was serving some drinks to some who sat on my left.

„Well I sure did miss my good girl. Right hm? Come here." I rubbed her belly as she laid herself down in front of me.

„She had a moment yesterday with another dog when I was with her at the dog park."

„Ohh she did? Did my girl find someone sweet to play with?" she barked and we both laughed at her.

„Maybe you wanna go and check it out for yourself. I couldn't find the owner of the other dog but maybe you are lucky. I am sure Chestnut will enjoy some play dates." Beth added as she walked back behind the counter.

„Do you want me to do anything? I can take over for you if you want. I haven't helped you for months." I asked her and she smiled gently.

„I know we opened this cafe together but you don't need to help if you can't find the time. I know things are hard right now. I'll let you know when I need help."

„I know but I also know you well enough to know that you wouldn't ask for help. I need to handle one thing at first but after that you can take some weeks off. I am sure you need it and maybe you can go on a little vacation with Lesley."
I offered her and she chuckled.

„Yeah maybe I can go on a little vacation that would be nice. Thank you Nora."

„No I have to thank you for taking over completely. You are always there for me and you always catch me when I fall. So take as much time off as you need."

„I will. Here try this." she pushed a cup into my hand and I smelled on it.

„Cinnamon?" I asked and she nod and I sipped on the coffee.

„Hmm that's amazing. You did a great job there Beth."

„Well thank you. I thought we can add it to the menu."

„Of course do it. I bet people will like it. I'll take this to go with me alright." I raised the mug and she nod.

„I think Chestnut wants to go for a walk. Go to the dog park." she pointed towards Chestnut and she was eagerly waiting at the door.

„Love you Beth see you soon."

„Love you too and keep me updated!" she yelled after me and I opened the door letting chestnut out. The dog park isn't far away from here so I decided to grab a toy from Chestnut out of my car with some belongings of me. I closed up the door and chestnut walked next to me for two blocks.

„Come on girl. Go on and find your friend."
I tapped on her back and she ran off to look around. I saw the nearest bench under a tree and sat down to enjoy my coffee.

„Do you mind if I join you?" a man asked me and I pulled my sunglasses down to look at this majestic man. Damn I haven't seen such a good looking man in a while.

„Sure I don't need the whole bench." I told him and moved a bit to the side since I sat down in the middle.

„I haven't seen you around here. Are you new in this town?" he asked and I shook my head.

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