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Nora POV

„Hi mom!!" I knelled down and gave my kids a big hug with a kiss on their heads as they approached me.

„How was your day? Was it fun?" I asked as I took their backpacks off to put them into the back of the car.

„We had tacos today so it way great!" Quinn replied and I chuckled at his answer.

„I scored a goal today in sports."

„What did you play sweetheart?" I asked as I buckled her up after I did the same with Quinn.

„We played soccer. This so fun to play. Can I get a soccer ball mom?" she asked me as I hopped into the car as well to drive off.

„I will get you one. What about you Quinn do you want one too?" I asked him and he shook his head.

„No I want new colors to draw with. Stefanie showed me some cool markers and pencils. They have multiple colors in them. Can I have those?"
He asked me as he described them exited and I couldn't help myself but to say yes.

„Of course buddy I'll get you them. Are you both hungry?" I asked and I heard a synchronized „no" from them at the same time.

„Okay then I had lunch today too already."

„We thought mama would pick us up after school like she did in the last weeks. Why did you pick us up today?" Quinn asked me curiously.

„Well I was already in town to get some stuff done and I had the perfect timing to pick you both up. Is that okay with you?" I asked and he hummed.

„We just expected mama that all." Chase added and I hummed.

„Don't you wanna pick up?" Quinn asked as my phone started to ring. We stopped at a red light and I glanced at my phone to see who's calling.
It was Lizzie.

„I won't pick up the phone when I am behind the wheel buddy. That can be dangerous."

„We can talk to the person on the phone for you!"
Chase stretched herself to the front to grab my phone but I couldn't react fast enough to get it away from her hand.

„Did you just unbuckle yourself to grab my phone young lady?" I asked a bit mad and she denied it.

Lizzie POV

„Hi mama!!" I heard Chases delicate squeaky voice.

„Chase? Hey sweetheart. What are you doing on moms phone?" I asked her while writing down notes on my paper.

„Mom is driving right now. She didn't want to pick up tree phone to answer you!" she replied and I leaned back in my chair.

„Oh okay. I just wanted to know if you guys have eaten anything for lunch today? If not I would go grocery shopping after work and I'd cook us all something." I offered.

„We all ate already. Quinn and I had taco day today. Mom? What did you eat?" she answered and asked Nora.

„I had some lasagne sweetheart." I heard Nora's voice faintly. She sounded a bit tense.

„and mom had lasagne today." she told me even though I heard Nora say it already.

„Okay. That sounds delicious. Sweetheart can you put me on speaker please so that mom can hear me too?" I asked her kindly.

„You are on speaker now!" she let me know.

„Hey babe how was your day?" I asked knowing that she had lunch with Jessica.

„It was enlightening." she told me dry while a hint of coldness was lingering in her voice.

„That doesn't sound good. Are you okay?"
I dig in more and I heard her let out a sigh.

„It was good don't worry about it. I am fine."
She emphasizes „fine" and I can definitely tell that she isn't fine at all.

„Look I can't really talk right now since I am driving. I'll see you later alright." she brushed me off and this was odd since we always talked on speaker while we were driving.

„Mama I made a score today during sports class!! We played soccer." Chase interrupted our conversation but it looks like Nora didn't mind since she staid silent for some reason.

„That's is awesome sweetheart! I bet you did a great job. Looks like you enjoy soccer."

„I do! I Love it. I wanna be as good as mom was when she used to play basketball."
She told me and that reminded me of the games I was watching since Scar was and still is the coach of the team at college. I always enjoyed watching Nora play.

„Oh I am sure you will be with time and practice."
I encouraged her.

„What about you Quinn? Did you have fun at school today too?" I asked him since I haven't talked to him yet.

„I drew something cool with Stefanie today. I can show it to you later if you want." he told me exited and I smiled wide at his happy reply.

„I would love to see it! I bet mom will hang it up on the fridge as soon as you guys are home."

„Yes I will hang it up there. So you can see it every day." he told me and I laughed lightly at his reply.

„Elizabeth can you- oh sorry I didn't know you were on the phone." George apologized as he came into my office.

„It's fine. Sweetheart. I need to go back to work. Lots kisses to everyone and I will see you later!"

„Bye mama!" and they hung up the phone.


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