(Good) Morning

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Lizzie POV

I open my eyes and turned around seeing that Nora's bed side is empty. My face frowns it is pretty odd that she is awake before me.
Because she's definitely not a morning person.

I hear a car stop outside and I turned around again now looking at my phone. It's 8 am.
I yawned as I got up to go down to check who just arrived at our house and I wanna know where Nora is.

„Babe? Halo?" I yelled out and the silence spoke for itself. No one was home.

I walked out seeing the van who transports the mail just drove off. So this means that I have some mail waiting for me. I walked up to the mail box and opened it to pull out some bills and letters.

Before I could open them I heard another car and turned around.

„Good morning!" Scar yelled through the open window and parked in front of the house next to my car.

I started to walk back and she got out to give me a big hug. „Morning Scar! What a lovely surprise. What brings you here at this hour?" i asked her as we walked into the house.

„Nothing much. I just wanted to check on you. How have you been lately? We barely see each other at work because we are so busy so I thought I'd show up before we have to go to classes."
She told me as she shrugged her shoulders and I was a bit suspicious.

„You could have just called me y'know? As much As i like having you here you didn't have to show up at my front door."

„I know. But still I was into driving all the way you to annoy you. Soooo.. how is it going?"

„Can you be a bit more specific with that question?" I asked her as I started to make ourselves some coffee.

„With you and Nora? Where is she anyway I thought she would be here?"

„I don't know. It's a bit odd for her to be up and outside at this early hour." I told her and went to the fridge to get some milk. To my surprise I see a little post-it on the fridge with something scrambled on it.

Have some things to take care off. Drove the kids to the school and Chestnut is at Beth's place. Don't wait on me for lunch might be home late at night.
X ~ Nora!" I read our aloud as I leaned against the kitchen counter.

„Looks like you got your answer. She's busy with whatever." i wiggled with the paper and Scar's face frowns.

„You guys were fighting last night right?" she asked me out of the blue and it took me by surprise.

„Who says we did?"

„The „don't wait on me for lunch might be home late at night" sounds pissed and the „X" like why not
„xoxo"? I thought you guys would handle this calmly."

„Wait.. what is it that you know?"

„What i know? I don't know what you mean."

„You just said „I thought you guys would handle this calmly" i didn't even tell you we were fighting. Did you talk to her?" i asked her.

„We did. Yesterday before she went back to talk to you."

„What did she say?" i asked desperately wanting to know what she was thinking.

„To sum it all up she confessed her doubts towards your behavior and she told us that she doesn't want to confront you because she thinks it will end up in a fight... and to me it looks like it did end up in a fight."

„Ugh god damn it. I've been treating her like shit yesterday. I feel bad." i rubbed my forehead to get the tension out of it.

„Is she mad because you told her the truth? Or is she mad because you didn't tell her?" she asked knowing exactly that there are only tow options but my silence was the reply she didn't want to hear.

„Liz.. what is it that makes you keep secrets from the ones you love?" she asked me and I couldn't tell her what it was because i didn't have the energy to say anything. So I moved to my bag that was on the other side of the kitchen island and opened it to get out some of those files.

„Shit!" i mumbled to myself and scar looked at me curiously.

„What is it?"

„My files they are gone. The documents. The papers." I panicked as i scrambled through my bag.
Before scar could say anything else the realization hit me and I knew what is going on.

„Nora has has them. Fuck."

„Lizzie talk to me what is it? What is going on?"

Narrator POV

„Please take this visitor card and put all your belongings into this container. Write your name, date and signature into this book." the man informed Nora and she did as he said.

„I am sorry miss but you can't take those papers inside!" he told her.

„I am sorry! But they need to be signed by the one who is inside there."

„That is irrelevant miss. You are not even allowed to chew on a gum when you go in there. So you expect me to let you walk in with some papers and a pen?"

„The worst thing that can happen is a paper cut."
He raised a brow at my comment.

„Miss. You see this pen in your hands? Someone in there could easily take it from you and either stab your throat with it or stab you in the eye with it.
If this person in there is willing to sign we will do it in a different room. Separated!! I won't be nice now when we continue this argument."

„Please. Open that door." Nora demanded calmly after she gave thin the pen and papers.

„Let her in." he nod to the other guy and the steal door with a small gated window opened.

Nora kept her head high even though she would rather look at the grey concrete beneath her.
A certain type of rage filled her body after she sat down on the metal chair.


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