A busy day

234 19 4

Nora POV

Hours pass and as I finished grocery shopping the time has come to pick up Chase and Quinn.
I waited at the parking lot leaned against my car and watched the kids exit to go to their parents or to the school bus to drive them back home.

„Heyy mom!" I knelled down and they both gave me a kiss on the cheek. I took off their backpacks and they hopped into the car.

„How was school today?" I asked as I buckled them up.

„I had math.. so not that good." Chase replied a
bit sad. „I thought math was fun!" Quinn added as he shrugged his shoulders.

„Yeah well you have it easy there don't you!!" she replied mad towards him as she crossed her arms.

„Misses Lewis??" I closed the car door as I heard a female voice calling out for me.

„It's miss Lewis please." I turned around and saw a teacher I assume because she had some folds with her and a lot of keys handing around her neck. Which is a signature teacher thing if you ask me.

„Oh I am sorry. I just assumed-." she pointed at the car where Chase and Quinn were sitting in. Looks like she assumes that I am already married because I have kids.

„It's fine don't worry." I reassured her and she smiled.

„I've been meaning to catch you to talk about the progress of the twins. If you have the time?" she asked me friendly.

„Is everything okay with them? I hope they are not making any problems." I asked and she laughed lightly.

„No not really, they are pretty uncomplicated which is odd for twins if you ask me. I had worse."
She answered and that made me laugh.

„Well then I am glad to hear that. Is this conversation gonna be long? I don't want them to get bored in there and I kinda have some grocery's that need to be put into the fridge." I pointed behind me.

„It might be a bit longer of an conversation. We can make an appointment so you and your husband can come in together." she offered and I smiled softly.

„I don't know if my girlfriend will find the time to attend this meeting. She's a professor and pretty busy." I corrected her and her face fell in embarrassment.

„God I am so sorry for saying husband. I didn't mean to offend you." she became red around her nose and I laughed lightly.

„No please it's okay. I'm not mad about it. But I can come by in the next couple of days. Would that be okay?" I asked her and she nod while she started to search for a pen to write that information down.

„it's up here." I pointed at the back of my head to sign here where her pen is. It was wrapping up some of her hair.

„Oh I forget all the time that I have a pen holding my hair up." she informed me as she pulled her pen out to let her black hair fall down lose onto her shoulders.

„Its okay i can relate sometimes a pen ends up in my hair too and I forgot it." I told her and she smiled.

„Alright then. I wrote it down. Just come to my classroom in the next couple of days and I'll be there. And I am glad when you can bring your girlfriend around."

„Great. I'll see what I can do. See you soon then."
I got into the car and rolled down all the windows.

„Bye misses Steinfeld!!" Quinn and Chase waved her goodbye and she waved back. Good to know her name now. She forgot to tell me that.

As I was driving us home I looked through the rearview mirror to see how Quinn and Chase stroked Chestnuts fur as she was sitting right between them.

After some time I stopped hearing them communicate about random stuff and I noticed that they fell asleep. I stopped at a red light and dialed a number I've been wanting to call for a while but I didn't really find the time to.

Officer Garcia here. Looks like I am not available for now. Leave a message and I'll get back to you."
His voice mail spoke up and I was a bit overwhelmed not knowing what to say now.

„Ehh hi Nora Lewis here. You probably remember me or not. I am the one who punched that prisoner when I visited him. Okay imma keep it short. You said you'd have a possible solution for my problem. Call me up so we can figure things out okay? Alright.. eh bye." I hung up and let out a sigh. God I hate calling strangers.

After a while we arrived at home and even though it wasn't dinner time I already saw Lizzie's car standing next to the front yard. I thought she had a longer day today. But good for us I guess at least I can fill her in on the things that happened today.

I parked next to her and shut off the engine and as I looked around I saw everyone asleep. Even Chestnut was in caught up in a deep sleep.
„Okay let's get you all in shall we hm." I stepped out the car and walked back grabbing Quinn first because he sat right behind me. He snuggled his head into my chest and I know how they both love to wake up in a different place where they fell asleep. Especially after a road trip.

„Hey sexy mo-. Oh he's asleep?" Lizzie held her mouth shut because she was a bit louder at first and she probably wanted to say something inappropriate. I chuckled and nod to her sudden question.

Chase and Chestnut are in the car asleep as well. Let's get them upstairs so we can talk." I whispered and she nod jogging off to get Chase next.

I made my way upstairs already and laid Quinn down in his bed. I took off bis shoes and his flannel with his trousers. I pulled over his Pyjama while he was half asleep and tugged him in while giving him a kiss on his forehead.

As I walked out I saw Lizzie walk past Quinn's room. She held Chase in a bridesmaids way which was absolutely adorable and she had a huge smile resting on her face.

I walked down and looked for Chestnut and she was still asleep. „Even my golden girl wants to be carried into the house I see. Chestnut you really are a heavy fluffy best friend. Puhh. Let's get you inside." I carried her in and laid her down in her own bed on the veranda in the back of the house where the garden is. She loves sleeping outside when the weather is right.

„Everyone's asleep Hmm?" I turned my head around seeing how Lizzie walked down the stairs.

„Looks like they are. A little afternoon nap can never hurt. Hey babe." I kissed her swiftly and she did the same.

„Well how about we take a nap too?" she asked me as she slung her arms around my waist to pull me in which made my smile grow.

„I actually wanted to talk about-."

„Shh. We can talk later. Everyone's asleep let's have some fun." she offered as she shushed my lips by putting her finger on them.

„I thought you wanted to nap?" I sounded Muffed as I asked because she still had her finger pressed against my lips. This made her laugh lightly.

„Wow sometimes you are innocent. I meant something else by taking a nap together!" she told me and it clicked now.

„Ohh.. ahh okay. Well we have to be quiet then. Y'know our kids can hear good even though they might be asleep."

„Well you are the one who has to be quiet. I am not the one screaming."

„Can't help myself when you are the one who is making me scream. So it's not just my fault dumbass."

„Dumbass??? Did you just call me dumbass?" she asked me in a fake hurt way and I laughed at her impression. She grabbed me by my hips and pulled me up so she'd carry me to the couch. She fell on top of me as we kissed and even though I wanted her to please me so bad I couldn't let it slide this time.

This time I have to put her in her place to remind her that I can be different too. So I dominated the kiss and moved upwards to straddle her in a quick move.


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