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Nora POV

„Babe I'll head off to my house and get some things from there.. after that I'll visit my mom." Lizzie announced as she grabbed her keys.

„I'm assuming that you will take your time then."
I added and she nod giving me a brief smile.

„Text me when you come home or if you will stay the night at your moms place.. oh and greet her from me." I told her as I went to go out with her to her car.

„I will babe. If you need anything text me." she replied and we kissed after she sat down in the car and rolled down her window.

„I love you."

„I love you more." she whispered into our kiss and I grinned.

She started the engine and drove off. I waved after her and as she disappeared in Forrest road I walked back in. Chase and Quinn are upstairs doing their homework and Chestnut followed me outside to the backyard where I wanted to do my work.

As I promised my kids I told them I'd fulfill their wish to get a treehouse and we do have the perfect tree for that. I started to cut down some wood and from time to time I threw the ball or stick far away so that chestnut would run around. She loves having her zooming time and she always looks so adorable while running like a maniac.

After I worked for an hour I started to grow a bit tired and as I was cleaning up my working place I heard my phone ring in my back pocket.
I pulled it out and picked up the call.

„Hey Ruby. I haven't heard from you in a while."

„Hi Nora. Yeah I was pretty busy with your case and other cases too. It's still an on going thing even though your father bailed you out."

„I know. I was honestly terrified of your call. But I knew you'd call sooner or later."

„How are the kids and Lizzie?" she questioned as we started some small talk.

„Pretty good I think. The kids are upstairs doing their homework and Lizzie is out visiting her mom."

„How is it going between the two of you?"
She asked a bit corky and even though Ruby is my lawyer, I feel like we have passed this formality already and I am happy about it. I appreciate having her by my side.

„Pretty good. Great even." I told her as I bit my lip thinking of the amazing time I have with Lizzie.

„Glad to hear that I am so happy that things start to settle in your life. Honestly you deserve the best."

„Thanks Ruby!! So do you!"

„And how are you? Just you how have you been?"
Her voice became a bit more serious.

„Been having my ups and downs. But I am working on it. Lizzie and I decided that I should get an therapist. Cause y'know to much shit happened that I can't fix it myself." I told her sarcastically but i was still being serious about it.

„That is a great decision. I am proud that you take that step. It takes courage but I am here for it. If you need anything let me know."

„Oh Ruby you've done so many things for me already. I am really thankful for that y'know."

„You're welcome Nora. That's what I am here for."

„Speaking of work." she added briefly to change the topic yet again.

„Your undertone makes me worry. What is it?"
I asked her and she held in for a moment before speaking again.

„Our theory was true. The judge was corrupted. Just as much as one person in the jury was."

„Oh my god!! That... Ruby that sounds great aren't those good news?" I asked her a bit irritated because isn't this what we wanted? To prove their corruption.

„Don't get me wrong it is. It's just how they've been corrupted by because this came to the surface too." she added before taking a breath to keep on talking.

„Who?" I asked a bit tense feeling how I won't like the answer.

„By Victors girlfriend. What's her name again?"

„Elle? You gotta be kidding me. This can't be true."

„She did. We found multiple money checks that are the same amount of money the corrupted people got. She's not confessing but other evidential things are speaking against her denial."

„Good. She can rot in hell and join her beloved boyfriend there. Do me a favor and get her behind bars for a lifetime."

„Don't worry the trial against her does the work already. Karma got her good."

„I hope she learns her lesson."

„She will. But I gotta tell you that she wasn't the only one. She is assuming that Robbie instigated the things with making those arrangements with the corruption." she told me and I went silent.

„Nora? Are you still there?" I heard her through the phone as I placed it down on the table in the garden where I was sitting.

I rubbed my eyes in defeat not knowing if I wanted to know this or not because now that I do know I feel responsible for telling Lizzie but I don't want to give her another spoon of shitty informations.

„I'm here.. yeah. Sorry I just zoned out for a moment." I picked up the phone again.

„He already has a life sentence for trying to kill you. So he got what he deserved. Now it's just up for the jury and judges to decide what will really happen to Elle. I'll keep you updated on that if you want."

„Yeah. Whatever suits you. Was there something else you wanted to discuss with me?" I questioned as I played with chestnuts ball that laid on the table.
I had to hold onto something to keep myself calm.

„The other judge will decide about how to move on with you. They will read every file of you and go through that and I think they might want to bring you in for a one on one conversation."

„Do I need to be prepared for that?"

„No. your story didn't change. It is the same way as it was in the first trial. But I think the judge won't ask you so uncomfortable questions as the first one did cause he was corrupted."

„Okay that sounds promising."

„I would say yes but it's not over yet. This judge is a hard nut to crack. She is known for making it hard for the accused ones. I jut wanted to give you a heads up. But I am positive about your situation and outcome Nora. We will get you out of there completely. You are already standing with one foot out of the mud." she explained herself and I hummed.

„Okay then. I'll let this all sink in and I will hear from you soon right?"

„Yes I'll call you as soon as I know more about your appointment with the judge. Or if anything else happens I'll call you too."

„Thanks again Ruby I owe you!!" I thanked her.

„You're welcome Nora. Keep your head up alright." she told me and I smiled faintly to myself.

„You too! See you soon." and I hung up the call to lean back into the chair.


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