In their minds

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Nora POV

„Hey babe!" I heard Lizzie walk in calling out for me as I was standing in the kitchen.

„Hey." I replied simple as I was drying off some plates.

„Sorry that it took me so long. How are you doing? I missed you." she kept the conversation going as she dropped her bag on the table that she always uses for work because she has enough space to put paper work in it. It's odd because she wasn't at work today so I wonder why she had that bag with her.

„Doing great. Just a bit exhausted I think I'm gonna head straight to bed." I told her and her face frowns a bit.

„Is everything okay? I have a feeling something happened?" she questioned and I shrugged my shoulders.

„I don't know you tell me? Did something happen? Cause to me everything is fine."

„Woah okay. Babe what's going on? That voice change is a sign that something had happened. Come on talk to me." She continues not minding to tell me where she really was today.

„I-I'm just really, really tired Liz. I can't even hold myself up at this point." I answered which is only half of the truth.

„O-okay if you say so. How about you just stop working in the kitchen and we go up to bed hm? I'm tired too."

„Yeah maybe I should." I nod as I placed the things back to where they belong.

She stretched her hand out signing me that she wants to hold mine while we walk up. I actually didn't want to give her physical affection. But I don't have the head for making a dramatic scene.
Not until I know the real reason on why she lied about her day.

„I assume that Quinn and Chase are already in bed?" she questioned as we walked up the stairs while she held my hand.

„Yes. I just put them to bed. They were tired from all that playing with Chestnut." I held my answers short and silence feel between us.

As we walked up she stopped on the first floor to look into each room of the kids to just see them before she continues to grab my hand again to walk up to our floor.

We didn't exchange any words as we did our night routine to go to bed. But I still felt her eyes on me regardless of the fact that I try to keep my eyes low. I know how weak she makes me and her eyes are the gate to making me melt instantly.

Not that I don't enjoy it. It's just that I don't want to be deceived by her evergreen piercing eyes.

„You wore pretty modest clothes today. Don't you always dress casual when you go to visit your family?" I asked her as i watched how she unbuttoned her blouse that was slightly open already.

„Felt like wearing that today. Do you have something against this?" she asked cluelessly.
Not me thinking that she dresses this way for someone that isn't her family. She looked a bit to good today.

„Nope. Just asking." I replied dry and simple as I took off my socks to slide into bed.

She walked up to the other side and did the Same joining me not minding to get close to me but I do mind. I shut off the bed lamp next to me and closed my eyes wanting to fall asleep.

We usually talk about random takings before we fall asleep or we make out which leads to sex most of the times. But now I just wanted the day to end so I can see what I will do about this gut wrenching situation tomorrow.

One of her hands slid under my shirt to let it rest on my waist. I felt her lips on my shoulder kissing me in somehow an apologetic way. As if she knows that I am mad without saying anything.

„I wanna sleep." I mumbled with my eyes closed but she kept going. Her kissed turned into little love bits as she was sliding up my shoulder to my collar bone until she had reached my neck.

I was literally clenching my jaw not trying to let out any sound of pleasure. Because it is pleasing me...
I did not expect to be able to maintain myself quiet. Not when she is trying to seduce me.

But I held myself together and turned myself away from her to sleep on the side instead of my back.
She whined quietly and got my message as she placed one last kiss on my back.

She hugged me from behind making me the little spoon and I'd usually slide away completely from her when I am mad but I can't help myself.
I need to feel her hand around my waist and her breath on my neck. It helps me fall asleep quicker.

Lizzie POV

„Morning lov-." I wanted to greet Nora with a morning kiss as i turned around in our bed but her side of the bed was empty.

It is a bit odd because i am usually always the one waking up first. Looks like she's the early bird today which I don't mind at all.

After I stretched myself I got up to do my morning routine. I didn't hear any noises from Chase or Quinn any especially not from Chestnut since she is always the loudest one in our house.

I went down to witness that Quinn and Chase are outside. But I couldn't see Nora or Chestnut.
I grabbed myself a mug and filled it up with coffee so I can enjoy it outside in the sun.

„Morning kids." i greeted them with a kiss on the head and they hugged me.

„Morning Mama." they replied.

„Do you know where mom and Chestnut went?"
I asked them as i sat down on the veranda.

„Mom went on a run with Chestnut." Chase replied.

„A run? Mom and running? What had gotten into her mind this morning?" i asked jokingly not remembering that Nora was much of a runner. Scar used to tell me that she hated when the team had to run during training.

„Mom only runs when she wants to clear her head." Quinn explained and my joking mood stopped as I heard him say that.

„Did she say anything to you? Did she come off angry this morning?" I asked them and they both shrugged their shoulders.

„I don't know." Chase replied simple.

„Well I saw her taking the revolver with her."

„She did what??" I asked loud as I placed l mug down on the table.

„Why?" I added and Quinn shrugged his small shoulders again.

„I don't know mama. Sometimes she likes to shoot.
She teaches us too sometimes."

„Hold on. She teaches you???" I asked sounding mad.

„For protection she says." Chase mumbled and I glanced between them both and looked behind them into the deep forest.

„Mom was a bit weird anyways ever since we had that visitor yesterday."

„What visitor sweetie?" I asked Chase now being even more confused.

„Some woman. We never saw her before and mom didn't introduce her to us."

„What did they do?" I questioned tense.

„They just drank tea and talked." Quinn added.

„Mom didn't tell you?" Chase asked a bit confused.

„Hmm? Yes. Yes of course she did love. I just. Forgot about it. It was late at night when I came home yesterday and we didn't really talk..."
I replied as my answer dies off while my mind was spiraling into the most absurd yet possible situations.


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