I don't want to fight...

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Nora POV

„How was your run?" I raised my head from looking at Chestnut to Lizzie who was standing at the kitchen island with her hands resting on them flat.

„Refreshing. I should do that more often." I replied dry as I walked up to the fridge to get myself some water.

„You smoked? Nora! I thought you quit? What is going on?" she questioned me mad.

„I don't know you tell me? What happened Lizzie?"
I asked her calmly yet stern. I placed my water bottle down and took off the revolver that hung down from my back. I grabbed it and walked down the basement leaving Lizzie standing there for a moment so she can be left with that question to find an answer.

„Look I don't wanna fight I just-."

„To me it seems like you want to. At least you are giving me a good reason to be mad."

„Excuse me? You being mad at me?? What the fuck did I do?" I asked angry now.

„Yes exactly what the actual fuck. Because to me it seems like you've been keeping something from me." She told me and I have absolutely no plan what she is referring to.

„Me? I am keeping something from you?" I chuckled as she pointed at myself.

„Did I miss the joke? Because I don't see a reason why you'd have a reason to laugh. I am being serious Lewis."

„Oh okay last name Basis it is I see. Wow. Okay ehm. This is ridiculous I am done fighting. I wanted to talk to you calmly. But looks like I can't-." I walked off wanting to leave Lizzie but I heard her steps close behind me.

Out of a sudden I feel her hand wrap around my wrist grabbing me a bit tight.

„You better listen to me you bitch!" that deep shiver crawled up my neck making me pull my hand away as fast as I could.

„What did you just say?" I asked perplexed from the back of my throat as I had tears beaming in my eyes. She didn't really say that? This didn't sound like her.

„I said listen to me and I'll listen to you."
She told me calm and I swallowed the lump in my throat.

Lizzie POV

„Nora? Is everything alright?" I asked her seriously as I noticed how fast she became pale.

„Hey. Nora." I slid my hand up from her lower arm and she flinched at the body contact which made her snap back to reality.

She looked down at me as she was standing on some stairs already. She looked around as if she was scared of something. Or someone. Is... is that someone me? Is she scared of me?

„Nora what happened?" I asked her trying to be as gentle as possible even though I was furious over her just some minutes ago.

„D-did you cheat on me?" she dropped the question I wanted to ask.

„I'm sorry what?? You're asking me if I cheated on you?" I questioned shocked and slightly mad. Why in the hell would she come up with that thought?

„Did you or did you not? It's a simple question! Answer it!" her voice was shaking.

„If anyone should be asking this question then it's for sure me."

„You?? Asking me? I didn't do anything!" she replied mad. She took off her glasses, turned her head away from me and rubbed her eyes before putting them back on.

„Really? I don't know if I can believe that."

„I am not cheating Olsen. How do you even come up with this thought?"

„Yesterday? You didn't care to mention on the phone that you had tea with someone! Some other woman."

„How did you find out?" she whispered confused.

„This is what you are asking me? How? Our kids told me this morning when you were out going for a run with your fucking revolver. How can you even teach our kids to handle a gun?"

„That decision won't be changed. You know exactly why I did that. In order to protect my family when I was on my own!" she started to raise her voice at me.

„What did they tell you anyway?" She asked switching back to the previous topic.

„You had tea with a woman they didn't know and you didn't introduce her to them. So she definitely must be a secret someone."

„God this is so fucking ridiculous. I had tea with your mom because she showed up at our front door! Wanting to know how you live and wanting to get to know me a bit better." she yelled at me again and I went silent. So she must know now that I wasn't at my parents place.

„How does it feel now hm? I know that you weren't were you were supposed to be. So I am trying to keep myself under control but it's really... getting harder right now."

„I-I didn't cheat."
„I am sorry." I added while lowering my head.

„Sorry for what? For not telling me the fucking truth in the first place or for not telling me we're you really were?" she questioned.

„For everything."

„Elizabeth. Where have you been?" she asked me and I can't tell her now. She's already hurt enough and when she knows where I've been she won't ever talk to me again.

„I-I can't."

„You can't? Or you don't want to?" her voice got lower.

„I see how it is. That silence of yours is the answer to all my questions."

„I really thought we were done with secrets." she whispered as she choked on her tears.
A moment of silence feel between us once again as if it is splitting us apart.

„You'll sleep in the guest room tonight or on the couch I don't give a flying fuck about that now. But I don't want you in my bed tonight. Maybe after that you will come to your senses."

„You're not gonna throw me out the house?"
I asked.

„Do you want me to? You sure give me reasons to do so. But I don't want Chase and Quinn to notice any change. Remember we have kids in this household." she added while rubbing her forehead.

„Please I-I am sorry. I'm not ready to tell you."
I grabbed her wrist once again as she wanted to walk up further but she pulled it away quick.

„Don't touch me." she added breaking my heart.

„I'm sorry."

„Safe your sorry for the time when you will tell me the truth." she answered one last time and walked off to leave me standing on the stairs.


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