Amber like Noras eyes

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Narrator POV

A couple of weeks have passed and Nora still gave the distanced silent treatment to her girlfriend.
The only thing that has changed though is that Nora went back into sleeping in their shared bedroom. Lizzie had her hopes up for this but Nora just replied with an unbothered „the guest room bed is too uncomfortable."

Regardless of why Nora is back on her side and of the bed, Lizzie was thrilled about it. But the thrill left her soon enough when she realized that the bed still felt cold while both where still in it.

The kids didn't notice any change in their behavior at all. Nora kept up a facade so good that it almost made Lizzie believe that she wasn't mad at her anymore. But after those gentle moments it went back into stone cold.

So Lizzie was extra happy when the kids where around because that was the only time when she felt embraced again. They are not even a married couple but they sure act like one that it falling apart again. And that is what made Lizzie doubt. That is why she said no even thought she wants Nora more than anything in this world.

„Will this ever end?" Lizzie asked as she followed Nora inside. They both got back from work and the kids have a long day at school today.

„You need to be a bit more specific." she replied dry.

„You giving me the cold shoulder. With that unbothered behavior and fake scenarios you put up in front off Chase and Quinn."

„I am doing this for them so they won't have a rough time."

„Oh how generous of you. Such a selfless act."
Lizzie fried back which made Nora raise a brow surprised.

„What is that supposed to mean?"


„No that was definitely not nothing. The way you just said it, it was patronizing."

„I am sorry. I overstepped. I am feeling rejected by you. Over and over again. With every fake hug and kiss you give me in front of the kids. That act of hollow love drives me insane."

„Good." Nora answered.

„Excuse me? You think that's good?" Lizzie asked shocked as she was thinning to herself why would she be pleased about me feeling this way?

„Yes because this is me teaching you a lesson. Because this was how I felt when you dropped that impulsive no with the proposal." she fried back furiously making Lizzie stay silent.

„And when will you stop teaching me that lesson?
Lizzie asked agitated.

„When you apologize properly."

„I told you I was sorry."

„Well saying sorry isn't enough sometimes."

„What do you want me to do then? I just want things to go back to normal. I want to feel you next to me again. I miss you and that sounds dumb because you are literally standing right in front of me. But I feel so distant and you are so isolated. You don't even give me a chance to change things."

„Don't you think I miss you too?"

„Doesn't seem like it."

„I hurts me to be mad at you. I have so much love for you and I can't turn that off even though I have been trying to hide it. I am done with fighting. I did this divorce signing thing for you. So you can finally let go of this bastard. I was ready to propose every moment. I had that ring with me ever since my father handed over to me. It never left my pocket.
Then it kinda slipped with proposing and you say no? You gave me a fucking no. The answer I wasn't expecting at all because I felt how we both are in love with each other. It felt like a cut when I heard that no Elizabeth." Nora yelled a she couldn't hold any tears back.

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