Emerald like lizzies eyes

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Lizzie POV

I couldn't sleep. Todays events kept me up thinking about Nora and me. I am terrified of what will happen when she comes back. Will she yell at me? Will she cry? Will she ignore me? Will she even care to put a fight. I don't know. And it terrifies me not knowing what will happen next.

The way she left today was unpredictable. How she was so calm and careless about the situation.

I was sitting in the couch with Chestnut and it was currently 1.12 am. I heard car wheels outsides and a bright white light shined through the dimmed house.

After a minute I heard the front door open and I got up to greet her. I turned on the lights because she didn't seem to care to put them on probably not wanting to wake me if she'd find me asleep on the couch.

„I told you that you don't need to wait for me."
Nora spoke up sounding tired.

„And I told you I will always wait if I'd have to."
I reminded her again.

„Where have you been?" I asked after she didn't care to keep the conversation up.

„Told you I was taking care of something."
She informed me and I was still standing in the dark.

„What was that „something" you had to take care off?" I questioned and she held in for a moment as we both stood in the kitchen with the kitchen island between us. She poured herself a shot and downed it. Right after that she took another one.

„I wasn't out drinking. So I figured I'd get a drink or two here." she told me as she noticed how I stared at her surprised because she usually reaches for wine.

„I don't wanna fight Nora." I told her honestly as I felt how the tension between us grew. The silence was dreadful. I can't stand it.

„Neither do I. But it seems like we always end up in a situation like this." she pointed between us visibly annoyed now.

„Look. I am extremely tired. Not just physically but also mentally and arguing doesn't help my state of mind at all. So without talking around the bush I will show you what I did." she grabbed papers out of her bag and laid them down on the kitchen island.

„I figured I'd speed up the process of getting rid of our only problem. The only thing that stood between me making a move was this."
She slid the papers over to me and as I looked at the all to familiar papers I realized those are my divorce papers.

„But turns out that you didn't want me as a wife anyway. So I don't even know why I picked them up." She added as I was as swiping through the papers seeing everything is singend properly.

„I do want you as my wife." I answered as I looked back at her.

„Hm sounded different to me when we had that conversation for the first time." She didn't had to remind me of that.

„I can explain. But why didn't you tell me sooner what you were up to?" I asked while pointing at the papers.

„Thought I'd keep it as a surprise. Maybe it would make you happy. You don't seem happy at all though."

„I am happy. It's just. I am overwhelmed right now."

„I could have told you what I was up to when you said no to my kinda proposal. But then I realized. That revealing this might manipulate you into saying yes. So I kept quiet. Because I genuinely thought you'd want to." Nora told me with tears in her eyes as she looked down.

„I still want to marry you." she looked up to me after I said it.

„Then why did you say no in the first place?"
She asked as her voice trembled.

„I thought of how I was still married to Robbie. That the divorce wasn't complete yet and I am terrified that my second marriage will be ending up in a disaster too. That's why I said no. I shouldn't have said no to begin with. But i was so scared and anxious."

„There are no reasons that your second marriage will be a disaster too. I can't guarantee you that.
Because I can't gaze into the future like Raven Symoné. (Pun intended iykyk and if not ur too young and missed the old Disney)."

Babe please. How can I fix this?" I asked her and she sniffed her nose while shrugging her shoulders.

„I don't know Elizabeth." she answered. Hearing my full name slip out of her lips gets me every time. It hits. She's keeping her distance.

Without saying anything she put her hand into her jeans pocket pulling out something sparkling. The golden ring with the emerald stone. She held it in her fingers for a moment as she looked at it for a while until she put it on the papers that laid in front of me. I looked down at it and took it.

„It was supposed to be yours." was? Why is she speaking in past tense?

„Was?" I asked from the back of my throat.

„I need some rest." she didn't answer my question and walked off to go upstairs to the bedroom.

I put the ring in my finger and watched it shimmer in the dimmed light. I had to hold my sobbing back but regardless of that I still had tears that fell down into my divorce papers.

„I still wanna marry you Nora." I whispered to myself wanting to run into her arms now but I know that she needs some time for herself to think.

I stopped crying at some point and decided to go to bed as well. Not that I will get any proper rest tonight but regardless of that I need my warm bed now. But as I entered our bedroom I didn't see Nora in it. She must've went to bed in the guest room.

I laid down and not just the room felt cold. The bed did too. She is the one giving me warmth during cold nights. So I guess I will have a cold night by myself then.

I need to win her back. I don't know how yet. But I need to. I can't without her. All this overthinking and how calm she argued made me cry myself sleep.


A/n:  Wishing you all a happy new year. Hope this year will be better for all of us and that in every aspect.

Thank you all for reading and rooting. I never thought I'd get this book so far.

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love ✌🏽❤️


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