Part 60: Nightmare

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Part 60: Nightmare

For hours Anya lays there like this as the sounds of her whimpers and cries, her sniffles and sobs fill the room. Multiple times she tries to get up, but either her shaky legs break down underneath her or the slippery glass on the floor stops her from it. So she just lays there, crumpled up, and waits for Kyun to return.

She knows he will.

Because if he doesn't wanna see her ever again, even if he decides that he will forever hate her for this—he has to come either way to get her soul. And as much as she hates it, the mere thought that it's him who'll take her soul comforts her a lot.

The feelings are the exact same as they were eleven years ago. She's so terrified of hell and so heartbroken that every inch of her body screams with pain.

It's unbearable.

At some point, her exhaustion takes over. The exhaustion from this fight, from the fact that she barely slept, all of this is just too much for her body to cope with. So eventually her sobs die down and she falls asleep on the floor.


Even in her slumber, Anya hears Kyun's voice loud and clear. But she's too scared to open her eyes, too scared to wake up and realize he's not actually here. She'd rather have him around in her dreams than not at all. She sighs, smiles when he touches her cheek and his arm wraps around her body. Suddenly she feels her body lifted from the floor and realizes that this feels a little too real to be a dream. She rips her eyes open, only to find her face buried in his neck as he pulls her close to his chest.

"Kyun..." she whispers in a weak voice and holds tight to him.

The demon makes her look at him. Regret and devastation reflect in his eyes as he strokes her cheek and trails his fingertips through her hair. "I'm so sorry, babygirl!" he replies in an equally weak voice. "I'm sorry for freaking out! I'm sorry for leaving you alone... I just couldn't... I didn't want to hurt you!"

Grateful and so relieved that he's here now, she holds tighter to his jacket. "I'm sorry too! I should've talked to you..."

Kyun's eyes begin to spark again and Anya feels the tears running down her temples. Without another word, he lifts her and carries her into the living room. Gently, he lays her on the couch and slips in next to her.

And then he holds her.

For something that feels like hours. Neither of them talks. Neither of them wants to face the consequences of her actions and that's okay. This exact moment is the one Anya will keep in mind, and will help her when she's trapped down there. His eyes lay so soft upon her as his fingertips glide over her features. She clings to him, trying to engrave every detail of his perfect face into her mind so deeply that even hellfire won't be able to burn it out of her.

"Do you really think I was a waste of time?" she asks eventually and Kyun sighs with a soft whine.

"Fuck no! My god, everything about you, everything that has happened in the past months has been the best thing in my existence! I love you, Anya!" he whispers. "And I understand, okay?" His last words surprise her. "I understand! It was unfair of me to make you live with this guilt. I never meant... I just wanted... I needed you to be safe... I—"

"Please don't," she says. She doesn't want him to lose himself in these kinds of thoughts, in his fear for her, his anger about all this. "I love you too, Kyun. So much! And I can make it! I know that!"

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