Part 2: Negotiation

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Part 2: Negotiation

"Look what a beautiful soul you have!" Kyun whispers and looks at it, wide-eyed. Unimpressed, Anya stares at it. This is her soul? Somehow she expected it would be more... magical.

"Why doesn't it upset me that you're literally holding my soul in your hand?" she asks in a monotone voice and their eyes meet for a second before he shrugs.

"Oh, that's because every single feeling and emotion is connected to your soul. There's nothing left. You're just an empty vessel right now... crazy isn't it?"

It is. Still, she's not impressed at all. For a long moment they both stare at the orb of her soul and she tilts her head as she notices something.

"What are those black spots in it?"

"Oh, that!" He chuckles, his eyes still fixed on it. "That's for all the times you've sinned. Since I did my research I know you've been a veeeery good girl for the most part, so these dark spots must be for all the times you had premarital sex!" He smirks. For a moment Anya asks herself what other souls must look like. Those of rapists, murderers, child abusers... "Usually, a little premature sex won't be that visible but... girl, you love sex, don't you?"

"So?" she asks, shrugging. Men took everything from her, including her literal soul. They objectify her, they sexualize her. She has every damn right to use them for her amusement!

"Oh, that wasn't a complaint!" Smirking, he lifts the hand holding her soul and looks more carefully at it. "It's pretty awesome, actually!"

Since she has no idea what's so awesome about this, she decides to ignore this comment.

"What are you gonna do with it now?"

"Well, I'll take it down to hell with me and give it to the ones responsible for new souls. Your vessel will live for another two, three hours and then you'll just... drop dead!"

There's this moment she wonders if every soul pickup takes so damn long. This can never pay off! He could've made three more deals in the meantime.

Kyun is still standing here, looking at her soul, mesmerized, before their eyes lock again.

"Such a shame, actually..." he mumbles.

Without warning, he drives the soul back into her stomach and every single feeling, every bit of pain, of fear, of hate, of love, of happiness crashes down on her. Overwhelmed by all these emotions, she sinks against the door down to the ground, whimpering, and the panic spreads in her gut again.

"What the fuck was that?" she gasps. "Holy shit!"

Shaking, she wraps her arms around her body as if to protect her soul from his touch as he crouches down to her.

"Relax!" he says and she looks at him, still shaking.

"Why did you give it back?"

Uncontrollable tears run down her cheeks again. He lifts his hands and dries them, just like he did ten years ago.

"How about another deal, babygirl?" he says and her eyes widen in shock.

"What deal?" she whispers. "I'd do anything!"


Smirking, he gets on his feet, takes her hands, and helps her back up. The feeling she has as she touches him is the same as it was back then. And again, she doesn't know if it's overwhelming in a way that makes her want to push him away or pull him closer.

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