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You have no idea how nice it is to not have to wake up to an alarm after it being set at 0500 every morning especially after Leah sneaking into my room last night. I think this may become a nightly thing and I will never complain about that. I get up brushing my hair I am leaving it down today that bun really gives me a headache a lot of the time. I am in the middle of getting dressed when there is a knock on my door "come in" "hi Chris there is someone shouting through the door for you he says his name is poff" "thanks Steph let's leave him there for a couple of minutes" I put my top on and head to the door when I stop for a second "who is it?" "It's poff open the door man" "how do I know it's poff?" "Come on bruv you know it's me just listen to me accent man" "yep that's poff only he talks like a twat" the girls are laughing and you open the door "your not funny man Chris" "how dare you I'm hilarious. Poff" "yeah?" "You let anything happen to my team to my group I will beat the fuck out of you understand?" He gulps "of course Chris nofings gunna happen I promise" "good now go away I want to relax" "will you come have breakfast with us?" "You know what viv I think I will yeah then I'm spending the day in my room doing absolutely nothing" "sounds fun we don't have a day off for 2 days" "Chris do you mind if I have a movie day in here it gets boring downstairs I mean I know it's your day off and I don't want to put you out" "Leah breath it's fine honestly" "ok thank you." We go downstairs and poff is in the canteen trying to show off "it really annoys me how he talks" I look at Beth "try being on tour with him for months on end" "Chris is there a PlayStation here?" "Not for you pal your on duty" "aw come on man" "poff give it a rest yeah these are professional athletes and your acting like a child" "pshhhtt whatever" "POFF" "sarge" "behave and leave Chris alone she is on her R&R day" "yes boss" "do you guys know that person in your family you tolerate?" "Yeah?" "That's poff for us literally never stops from the minute he gets up." Leah is looking a little nervous and I don't know why "erm you know how I'm having a movie day?" She is looking at her team "Yeah what about it?" "Well obviously the door will be locked but could yous text to say yous are on your way up or if yous are popping up just so I know it's yous at the door I don't want to bother poor Chris on her day off" "yeah that makes sense we should all do that if any of us are in the apartment alone" the whole team agree. This women how clever she is I know for a fine fact movies is not on her mind today oh no she is going to find out I'm cuddly well it was going to happen at least I hoped it was going to happen. But then what if she actually does just want a movie day and I'm just assuming things oh bloody hell "CHRIS!" Katie shouts at me "yeah what's up?" "You were in some sort of daze are you alright?" "Yeah I'm fine honestly" "ok so Chris when you travel what kind of places do you like to visit?" "Well Jen I love a place with a fascinating history and beautiful culture and places to adventure" "not a sun seeker then?" "I do love a tan but only if I can explore" where is one of your favourite places you've been too?" "Hmmm probably Zimbabwe I spent 3 weeks there living with the tribes they taught me so much" "wow that's incredible where else?" "Ermm maybe Sri Lanka or Tibet spending time with the monks" "your quite a cultural person aren't you?" "If there is no culture in the world then there is nothing" Jonas comes in "everyone out on the pitch for drills please" "we will see yous two later" "bye guys" Leah puts her hand on my thigh under the table "so I have you all to myself today then" "it would seem so" "uh hum and what does that mean private Taylor?" I turn around and see the sarge standing there "it means boss I'm going to get asked a shit tonne of questions and my peaceful day is no longer peaceful" he looks down and sees that Leahs hand is on her lap man is she smooth "you ok miss Williamson you are looking a little nervous?" "Oh I just yeah you make me nervous because of the other night I still feel bad for getting Chris in trouble" "she wasn't in trouble don't worry about it right I'm going to go babysit poff" "boss when are you going to sort him out" "he's harmless Chris" "he fucking annoying" "Chris your tired so go spend the day away from the platoon" "yes boss." Me and Leah walk up to the apartment all be it a little slower than usual with her being on crutches. She declined my offer of a piggyback but we have finally made it "it's about bloody time" "alright let's see you hop along on crutches and see how fast you are" "you should of took me up on the offer of a piggyback we would of been here ages ago" "you know what?" "Yeah I do actually your too bloody stubborn for your own good" "yeah well.." "yeah well what hm? I'm waiting" "shut up" "nooooo is the well articulated Leah Williamson lost for words?" "No your just annoying me" I step closer to her "are you sure about that?" "Yes very sure" I get closer again "how sure?" "Omg stop talking already would you" "hmm I don't know what's it worth to stop teasing" I then lean in and Leah meets me halfway the kiss starts off slow and gentle but progressively gets more heated and more passionate both fighting for dominance. I pick Leah up pinning her to the door my body not letting my mind take control. I want this women no actually I need her she is everything I have been looking for in a women sweet kind caring passionate loving and a total fucking badass. Take control Chris take control. It takes everything in my power to pull back which Leah is now giving me such a look for "I'm sorry I just.." I hear someone walk past the door so I put Leah down "not here let's go to your room and talk" "erm right erm ok." We head to Leah's bedroom she looks a little hurt I hope I didn't hurt her I would never forgive myself if I did. When we get there we sit on her bed "care to tell me what happened out there?" "Yes so erm yeah look I really like you Leah and if I hadn't of pulled back when I did I would of carried you in here and would be currently ripping your clothes off you. But I want to do this properly I mean if that's what you want too" "what does that mean do this properly?" "If you are willing to wait until I am next on leave I want to take you out. I want to wine and dine you take you dancing walk along the beach hand in hand I want to do it all with you" Leah has a smile on her face "when are you next on leave?" "The day the mission here is finished" "and your staying here until then?" "They would have to drag me away in a body bag Leah I don't want this to just be about sex no matter how hot and steamy and unbelievable that would be because trust me it will be all that. Everyone just sees me as the army girl who doesn't need feelings in a relationship but I do I'm actually quite a big softy and very cuddly like a big teddy bear" "your not going to stop me kissing you or vice verser are you?" "No chance" "then I am very willing to wait no matter how painful it will be. But for now how about we put a movie on and cuddle up here" "I can do that and Leah" "yeah?" "Thank you for understanding" "Chris I really like you and I want this to work as well and your right this gives us a chance to get to know each other on a deeper level" "smart and beautiful I am very lucky." I give Leah a quick kiss then lie down and she lies with her head on my chest. Everything in this moment feels so right like nothing else in the world matters right now just what's happening in this moment. I know yous are probably thinking that's a bit deep already but as a soldier you get very rare moments where all you get to care about is what's happening in the moment so I'm just going to live this up. Leah puts on Star Wars I'm not a fan but apparently it's because I don't understand them so let's give this a go. I get halfway through the first film and yep I'm totally bored but if the monks taught me anything then I can be patient and will be patient and hopefully I can talk her out of putting another one on maybe I can talk her into putting hacksaw ridge on I love that movie or Forrest Gump oooooo or better yet miss congeniality Sandra bullock what a legend. "Chris!" "Yeah?" "Your in a daze again" "shit sorry" "it's fine but Steph is on her way back up she forgot her water bottle" "okie doke heading to my room now" I'm just leaving Leah's room when I bump into Steph "oh hi Steph" "hello Chris what were you just doing in our little Leahs bedroom?" She is wiggling her eyebrows causing you to laugh "I'm getting a drink thought I would see if Leah wanted anything" "that's very sweet of you" "it has been known to happen" I walk off to the kitchen to get a drink I don't even want then go to my room.
~Leah's POV~
Shit Steph caught Chris leaving my room we're screwed we've been caught. "I'm going to get a drink thought I would see if Leah wanted anything" wow she can think quick on her feet. Steph comes in my room "I was going to see if you needed anything but it seems you have someone all over that" "oh don't please I feel bad enough it's her day off and she is checking on me" "I wouldn't complain if I was you she's hot!" "Steph! You can't say that" "why because I'm straight? I can appreciate a good looking women and that is one mighty fine women" I throw a pillow at Steph "right get out your ruining my film" "ok but we will talk about the way you keep glancing at her later" shit! "Wait what?" "I've noticed Leah I think yous would be a smoking hot couple right best be off." Steph leaves and I text Chris
Me - Steph's gone now x
Chris - I've not heard the front door yet x
Me - She's noticed the way I've been looking at you maybe she is waiting to see if there is something going on x
Chris - LEAH!!! That's not good. That's really not good. Shit what are we going to do? X
Me - Hey hey calm down it's fine trust me please I have an idea x
Chris - Care to explain what this plan is? X
Me - I'm not the only one that's been stealing glances at you so I'll use that x
Chris - who else has been staring? X
Me - most of the girls x
Chris - Ok that's creepy as fuck. Wait I think I have just heard the door go I will wait a couple of minutes in case your right x
I swear them 5 minutes felt like an hour then she walks in. My god she is beautiful especially with her hair down, and who knew she had such a soft side and I found a cuddly person I love a good cuddle even now she has literally just climbed on my bed and pulled me straight back into her. I feel so safe right now, I can see that she is not enjoying this film at all but hasn't said anything. When it finishes I ask if I can put the next one on and she of course said yes but I wonder if that's because she fell asleep about 15 - 20 minutes in. Now I find myself just watching Chris sleep, she looks so peaceful and cute very cute but is she wakes up and sees my staring I'm going to look like a right psycho. Ok I'm watch the film Leah, that means look away, why can I not look away? Oh yeah because she is gorgeous. Ok on 3 1, 2, 3 oh look there is a tv in my room. I spend the majority of the day watching the rest of the Star Wars films and Chris is starting to stir, "hi sleepy head" "hmm hi I didn't mean to fall asleep you should of woke me" "no chance you looked so peaceful" "I know but I've wasted our day" "no you have not I have enjoyed being cuddled up to you" "but still thou.." "no Chris honestly I've loved today" "ok what time does training finish?" "In 45 minutes why?" "Oh no reason" Chris jumps on top of me and immediately starts kissing me but there is no gentleness to this kiss it is hunger. We seem to be always fighting for dominance but I always lose but I don't care I put my hands under her top letting them explore her body and I cannot explain what I am feeling. Well I can it soft muscly pure toned heaven. Help me I want her bad. I start to lift her top to take it off when Chris pulls back "ah ah ah that's very naughty" "sorry I got carried away" "don't be I almost didn't stop you." I get a text message
Steph - it's just us coming through the door forgot to text on the way up xx
"Fuck everyone's back!" "Play along" Chris moves to sit on the bottom of my bed just before Steph walks in "honestly Leah I don't know how you can watch these they make no sense at all" "werw don't you be dissing my Star Wars movies or you can just leave" Chris gasps "I'm wounded this is me leaving in a huff" I can't help but laugh as she fake stomps out of my room "hi Steph" "hi what was that about?" "Chris got bored so came and annoyed me then started on my Star Wars movies" "is that all?" "Yeah why? What else would it be?" "Oh nothing are you joining us in the lounge?" "Yeah come on then." I go into the lounge and spend the night talking with the girls Chris has stayed in her room all night. I kind of miss her face.

A/N I know there is not really any consistency with times of release but I work full time so can only apologise about that. I am aiming to get 2 parts out a day. Let me know what you guys are thinking of it so far

Leah and her soldierحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن