A day in the life

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Me and Tony have been upping our activity on instagram and people keep requesting a day in the life. So I asked Leah if she didn't mind me doing it, she said why would I mind that's when I explained it would have Xander in but I would blur his face out and she said that was fine. So that's what I'm doing today, on the bonus side emz is down from Scotland so is staying with us for a few days. Apparently this has to start when I wake up which is fucking weird but hey anything for the gym. So when I wake up I start recording and go through my morning routine then go get Xander up but setting the camera in his room first again this is strange but a promise is a promise.

I sit on Xanders bed and he cuddles into me and we have our morning cuddles. This has become a big part of our morning routine since Leah has been away "guess what bubs" "what mummy?" "It's time to wake aunty emz up" "yeahhhh." Xander gets up and runs to Emily's door he knows not to go in. I knock on the door and Emily texts me to come in, she pretends to be asleep for him honestly we love having her around. I open the door recording Xander as he jumps on the bed and starts waking up Emily. "Aunty Emiwy waked up" Emily quickly grabs Xander pulling him under the quilt "good morning you rascal." Xander is laughing this is when Laura walks in, Laura is Emily's friend from Scotland who came with her. Emily is adamant nothing is going on between them and you know what? I actually believe her "what have I missed this morning?" "Lauwa hewp pwease" "ok coming in." Laura is great with Xander and they mess around for a little while before I tell them to get up.

I get Xander dressed then take him downstairs for breakfast "right my gorgeous boy what are you having for breakfast?" "Mummy I have egg on toast pwease?" "Of course you can." I make our breakfast and put it on the table "ermmm where's ours like?" "You know where everything is emz" "wowww some host your mummy is Xander" "baby tell aunty emz that we have a FaceTime call with mama in 10 minutes" "aunty emiwy we talk to mama in a soon" "ok I guess I will let her off then." Once we finish breakfast we set the laptop up "hi mama" "hi handsome you look nice and refreshed compared to yesterday morning" "that would be because he had a full nights sleep didn't you baby?" "Yeah mama I sleep all night" "that's because you're a good boy, hi Emily" "hey Leah how's things going?" "Yeah good thanks you?" "Yeah I got the day with my nephew so we are going out" "ahhh you at the gym today baby?" "Yeah got some work to do" "ah well that is actually perfect because I need to tell you something" "why what's going on? Are you alright?" "Baby I'm fine just I will speak to you when Xander is not around, are you recording this?" "It's a day in the life don't worry it will be voiced over and all that" "ahhh right so bubs what you got planned with aunty Emily?" "We go swim mama" "wowww and by the look on mummy's face she knew nothing about this?" "Not a clue emz I swear" "Chris nothing will happen to him I promise just some fun."

Xander talks to Leah whilst I get my work bag sorted. We say bye to Leah then head out. Xander is singing his head off in the car it is the cutest thing ever "right baby I'm going to see you later ok? Be good for aunty Emily" "ok mummy, I pwomise I will" "good boy I love you" "wove you mummy" "Jesus Emily don't kill my son" "we will look after him Chris I promise" "thanks Laura have fun everyone."

I go into the gym and straight into my office to phone Leah "hey baby" "hey my love what's going on then?" "Sarina has covid so there is no more family visits not even after the games" "WHAT? Baby Xander! This will break him" "I know baby but it was a majority vote, 10 days and I will never let him go again" "I'm guessing you want me to break this to him?" "No just be there like you always are baby" "ok" "I'm so sorry baby I wish it wasn't like this I hate that this is going to hurt him" "I know my love it's not your fault I will make sure he is fine I promise" "I know you will I love you so much I can't wait to see you both when this is over" "10 more days my love and we will be there waiting for you" "I have to go now but I will speak to you's tonight" "ok my love, I love you" "I love you too baby."

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