The semi final

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I have been working a lot with Xander again around Leah wanting to see him but can't and also explaining Covid to him and how dangerous it can be. He is doing a lot and I mean a hell of a lot better. What Leah has been doing at the end of games is taking her top giving it a kiss and a hug then getting one of the stewards to pass to Xander and he hugs it straight away always saying "I'm hugging mama." I'm not ashamed to say I cried the first time it happened. But anyways that's how we progressed with that. However I released the day in the life video and don't get me wrong people loved it but there was a lot of comments about how Tony was looking at me, stuff like 'why is he looking at Chris like that' 'poor Leah what's going on with them 2' and so on and so forth. Leah asked what it was about and I told her I was going to speak to her when she got home. She kept telling me to just tell her and I said I didn't want to ruin her tournament. This caused a little heated argument and Leah didn't speak to me for 2 days only through text and just to see how Xander was. In return this caused me to be pissed at Tony for putting this on us so I told him to give me space until I sorted things out.

We eventually sorted things out but it took a lot of reassurance from my side. Today is semi final day so I'm currently in the shower whilst Xander is asleep. All I keep thinking is Xander is getting his mama back soon and me i'm getting the love of my life back. I can't wait to just hold Leah that's all I want just to hold her again. I'm missing her so much. I finish in the shower and get ready before waking Xander up "hey baby boy did you have a nice sleep?" "Yeah mummy, mummy we get to see mama today" "I know baby are you excited?" "Yeah mummy" "come on then bubs let's get you ready because we grandma will be here soon" "ok mummy." I get him up and made the mistake of bathing him this morning instead on tonight because now I cannot get him out.

"HELLO?" "HEY AMANDA WE ARE UPSTAIRS I DON'T SUPPOSE YOU FANCY HELPING ME?" Amanda comes upstairs "what's going on?" All you can here is Xander singing in the bath "well I kind of made a mistake in thinking putting Xander in the bath this morning was a good idea but as you can here he is content and I can't get him out" she just laughs "come on sweetheart." We go into the bathroom "GAMA!" "Hi bubs what you still doing in the bath?" "Singing and pwaying" "as fun as that is we need you to get ready we don't want to be late for mama's game do we?" "No gama" "come on then." He stands up and Amanda wraps a towel around him so I go to take him "no mummy gama" "oh really have you asked grandma?" "Gama you hewp me pwease?" "Of course I will bubs come on then." As Amanda gets Xander ready I sort his backpack out with snacks and spare clothes just in case and his iPad.

They come downstairs "all weady mummy" "and looking as handsome as ever let's get your shoes on so we can go" "ok mummy." We get sorted and get in the car where Xander is watching a movie with his headphones on "how's things between you and Leah?" "Ermm good I think they seem to be good, why has she said they aren't?" "No sweetheart she hasn't but she said something is going on but you won't tell her till she is finished with this tournament" "because I don't want to ruin it for her I know what she is like she is going to flip her lid Amanda I know she is" "ok so tell me what's going on and maybe I can help." I sigh and turn to see Xander sitting there just watching his iPad and turn back "it's Tony" "ok what about him? Does this have anything to do with that day in the life video?" "Before that" "ok so tell me" "well it was before we went on holiday he told me he had feelings for me which obviously I told him were not reciprocated for obvious reasons" "right then what?" "I told him he needs to get over them" "and he hasn't?" "No, do we have to talk about this now just Xanders in the back and we are on our way to the match" "yes we do because 1 we have a couple of hours spare and 2 Xander has his headphones on so he can't hear us, has something happened?" "He just keeps like touching me it's not like inappropriate or out just constantly like touching my arm or the other day he started rubbing my shoulders and that and I told him to stop in fact I actually shouted at him" "but it still hasn't?" I put my head down "no" "your right Leah is going to flip her shit when she finds this out, so here is what we are going to do you are going to deal with Tony" "yeah but how? He doesn't listen" "fine I will sort that, and I will tell Leah there is nothing to worry about it's just your a face to face person which she knows you are so she can focus on this tournament" "thanks Amanda but what do you mean you will sort it?" "Nothing to worry about sweetheart."

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