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[Few days later]

Right before we could sleep he received an email from the doctor regarding the results.

Me: "What do they say?"

Lizwi: "We have to go there early tomorrow morning." I shake my head.

Me: "Ey niyazenza izinto Lizwi." I turn my back on him and sleep. He scoots closer and wraps his arms around me.

Lizwi: "I don't want to lose you."

Me: "You will only lose me if that child is really yours." he sighs.

Lizwi: "I know and trust my word baby. I have never been involved with any other person besides you. Why would I even risk you leaving me?! You have gave me beautiful kids and you give me the best sex ever! I wouldn't risk all that just for a useless f8ck with an irrelevant person!"

Me: "I really want to believe you baby but the way they both sounded so sure of themselves, It is suspicious. A big part of me really believe you because I don't think you would never do something like that but another part of me is very sceptical.."

Lizwi: "Let's just focus on that part that believes me baby. Leave the rest to God." I almost laugh.

Me: "And just so you know, I will take my kids and leave." he tightens his grip on me.

Lizwi: "I know." he kisses my shoulder than we sleep.

The next morning, I woke up and my kids were already dressed and ready for school except my babies. They were having cereal as Lizwi made lunches for them.

Me: "Good morning." I kiss them then go kiss my man.

Sqalo: "Nazoke bafo!!!" he cheers when Lizwi deepens the kiss.

Nqo: "Aybo! Y'all traumatising the kids early in the morning aybo!" she exclaims walking in. I giggle breaking the kiss and move away from Lizwi who looks ready to rip me apart.

Me: "Hey friend." I hug her.

Nqo: "Ya! Portia said we should see her today."

Me: "What time?!"

Nqo: "I'll fetch you around lunch time. We will go to her office straight."

Me: "Okay."

Nqo: "Kids! Let's go!"

Fana: "Bafo, can we please have some pocket money?!"

Melody: "Oh yess babazi."

Lizwi: "Pocket money for what now?! Y'all have more than enough snacks in your lunch bags."

Sqalo: "Baba, I have a girlfriend to take care of. I can't do that with snacks." Lizwi sighs and grabs his wallet from the table. He opens it and start counting some coins.

Melody: "We don't want change dad, money."

Fana: "Paper money bafo." I chuckle at how they ganging up on him. He hands them R10 notes each.

Sqalo: "R10?! Thank you bafo!"

Fana: "Tomorrow please add R5 ngeke baba."

Lizwi: "Y'all are not in high school phela aybo!" they kiss him then me goodbye and run out to their aunt's car.

Lizwi: "Now that we are alone, let's go do some exercises in bed baby." he says pulling me by hand and holds me tightly to his body, leaving kisses on my neck and shoulder.

Me: "Mmmhm."

Lizwi: "Let's go." Just as we turn Swe stands by the end of the stairs looking at us.

Swe: "Babah!!" she jump's happily and her father scoops her up.

Me: "What time do we have to go to the doctor?!"

Lizwi: "Around 10." I nod and go check on LJ. I find him sitting on his playmat playing with his toys.

Me: "Hey boy boy!" he turns already giggling.


'You are the father'

'You are the father'

'You are the father.'

The doctor's words keep ringing in my head making my head hurt even more. I couldn't even go to that lunch with Nqo and Portia. I cancelled and made an excuse of being busy. I was actually under my covers crying my eyes out.

Lizwi: "Baby, I really don't know what happened but i've never slept with that girl."

Me: "Get out of my bedroom Lizwilenkosi." he sighs not arguing and walks out. I get in bed cuddling my pillow as I cry. I really didn't think he could play me. I feel really so betrayed and belittled right now, worse he had the nerve to deny sleeping with that tramp!

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