Older Sister Envy Adams x Younger Brother Reader (Scott Pilgrim Takes Off)

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M/N Pov

My whole relationship had changed with my sister as when we were younger she was caring and sweet, always looking after me but now she didn't even pay attention always ignoring me of course as a young kid I was bothered as she was my whole world I looked up to her after all but now I couldn't stand being near her so ignored her and home and school. Sighing as she was walking over to me in school a smirk on her face "you still alone with no friends" "there in the classroom" "sure they are, tell me are they even real" "more real than you" with that I leave her annoyed.

Reading the document the head teacher gave me confused "I don't really understand" "well we saw the goof progress your making and we think you'll benefit from this course, I know its far but think about it" "I want to do it" "are you sure?" "yes I've wanted to do this for a while" I say with a smile excited to do this course, so happily signing everything he said he'd send out the information in letter. Waiting excited at home one weekend doing my homework while listening to my music when my sister comes in looking angry.

I just stare at her as holds some papers I cant make out "what's this?! your leaving!" "well yeah, I want to study a lot more and they have better courses I want to do" "but what about me!" "what about you?" "your just going to leave me here" "your perfectly fine here on your own in fact I think you'll be happy to get rid of you loser brother right" "thats not true" "don't lie you say it all the time" "I don't mean it I just I cant let them see the real me alright, I love you I just...I'm sorry" "I'll forgive you if and only when you change back to your real self" "I suppose I can do that for you" "good now you owe me a lot for the bullying you put me through" "alright I'll make it up to you and M/N?" "yeah?" "I'm proud of you"

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