Big Brother King Harlequin x Younger Brother Reader x Twin Sister Elaine

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(Anime: Seven Deadly Sins)

King Pov
I knew for a fact there were plans of other creatures trying to destroy our fountain and I swore to protect it but since it was quiet I let my guard down making it so much easier for intruders to get to and now here I was flying as fast I could to help M/N and Elaine out, however my whole way there all I could see was flashbacks of them. Both were so young smiling innocently at everything they saw as they were both such curious fairies. Luckily there was some difference between them as Elaine was a little more bolder than M/N as he liked to keep quiet and stay with a book all day while Elaine wanted to explore everything.

I did my best to give them equal attention so the other wouldn't be jealous though it seemed M/N didn't care either way half the time he forgot I was there as he was reading, vut egen so i love them both and i couldn't lose them not not as I know it'll be fault if only I didn't put my guard down, if I just kept the extra secerity around the fountain.

Landing I finally spot Elaine on the ground blood around her barely alive. "Elaine!" I scream as I fall beside her as she smiles at me "we did it, we protected it" "you shouldn't have to" "don't blame yourself you couldn't of known" "where's M/N?" "He was fighting the last guy but he's wounded you need to help him" "I can't leave you like this I need to get you some help" "there's no point please save M/N. Hesitating I stood up knowing she'll be gone when I get back but I needed to try honour her last wish. .

Running around the area until I finally spot his hair colour I rush forward but freeze seeing his body collapse into the floor a blade stuck in his chest as blood pooled around him. Quickly finishing the job I kneel beside him. But I knew he was gone I couldn't even save him or get his last words he was gone like that leaving me alone. From that day I wasn't the same I couldn't smile and sometimes I swear I could hear them laughing asking me to play with them but when I turned around there was no one there.

Various Family Relation x Relation Reader Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now