Masaki Fujiyoshi x Orphan Girl Reader x Hiromu Fujiyoshi

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(Anime: Tadaima Okaeri)

Masaki Pov

Seeing Hikari excited as we got closer to the park which I found odd as he normally wasn't that excited unless Yuki was here which would make sense to me however as I see a young girl running over to us a bright smile on her face "Hikari you finally came!" "hello who are you may I ask?" "oh you must be Hikari's mum" "I am" "I'm Y/N his friend" "I see" trusting her as she handles Hikari with care as they go to the sandbox playing together making me smile as I was glad he had made another friend.

It's been a dew months since meeting Y/N and I did notice she always seemed to be alone and her clothes was the same dress I meet her in confusing me but she just smiled telling me it was her favourite making me go quiet. However Yuki turned up looking at them both he seemed to have a sad look on his face "is something wrong?" "I dunno I just feel bad for her" "who Y/N? you know her" "most people do around here, She's an orphan but they don't really care for the children there as they got put there as outcasts. For Y/N's sake I heard it was because her family didn't want a female first born" I nodded looking at her as it made sense now.

Returning home I couldn't help but stare out the window wondering what I could do to help her "something on your mind?" "you know the young Y/N right?" "yeah what about her?" "I want to help her I just don't know how" "well if you want we can adopt her" "adopt her? you really would" "well why not she gets on with Hikari well plus I feel bad for her" I nodded smiling thanking him. The next day we walk in as I frown at the state, Yuki was right they couldn't care what happened to the children here. "Excuse me we want to adopt Y/N"

Nodding without a care they throw the papers we had to fill before getting her, just as I was finished signing I look up to screaming seeing her dragging Y/N out by her hair I go to get up but Hiromu rushes over taking her hand off "please don't treat the children like that" "whatever just take the brat and go" Hiromu picks Y/N up who looks at us confused "how would you like to live with us Y/N? "Really?" I nodded making her smile "thank you!"

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