Seventy Seven

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Anthony stood holding a pistol he managed to fight his brother for. He waved it between his father and his brother.

"YOU REALLY WANNA DO THIS?!" He yelled. "I'll be the one that makes it outta here." Anthony was sure of that.

He brother lunged towards him without a word. Anthony didn't hesitate sending, a what he didn't know; was a holy bullets through his brothers skull. They were actually gonna kill him?!

Now he was alone with his father. The waters were high but, Anthony could handle it. Husk probably knew he was missing by now anyway. If things did get bad, they wouldn't be for long.

The elder spider laughed, completely unphased by the death of his son. He took a step towards Anthony with his hands clenched in fists. He too has brass knuckles. Anthony pulled the trigger again but, the gum was empty.

"Shit!" He backflipped away from his father trying to give himself some space while he pulled out his tommy guns.


The door was slightly ajar. Husk was careful not to push it open as he glanced inside. He heard Anthony yelling at who he assumed was his father.

He was taking a big risk and he prayed he didn't throw the dice anywhere near Anthony but the threw them regardless.

Luckily they indeed didn't land near Anthony. They filled the room with smoke and he and Molly rushed into the room.

Thanks to Anthony's height he was able to see Husk and whoever the fuck the lady who came in behind him was.  He was holding two of his tommy guns one in each of his top arms he put one away once he realized the sinner entering the room was his boyfriend.

The other was locked o to his father.

"You're gonna fuckin tell me what happened old man!" Anthony's eyes went purple and his voice rattled.

Molly watching in horror as she watched her father crawl around the floor on all eight of his appendages using the smoke that still pooled on the floor as a cloak. He crawled onto a wall and appeared behind Anthony with an angelic knife in the air. Ready to slit his son's throat

Molly gasped. 

"DAD NO!?!"

Anthony let his guard down, but he turned around, and hit is father in the face,with the broad side of his tommy gun. There was no time to get distracted.

His father fell to the floor and pulled out a gun as he did so aiming at his daughter. He pulled the trigger. The bullet was fast but Husk was faster. He pulled Angel's sister out of the line of fire and tried his best to get out of the way himself but the Bullet clipped his wing.

"GOD FUCK! AHG!" He groaned in pain as he landed on one knee.

Anthony gasped. "HUSKY!" He screamed.

The spider stared at his father in disbelief, as he ran away like the bitch was. He was torn between checking on his sister and checking on Husk. He looked between them but, Molly gave him a thumbs up so, Anthony ran over to Husk, and slid on to his knees as he got closer. He wrapped twos arms carefully around Husk's neck and examined his wing without touching it. There was no exit wound.

Please don't be angelic, please don't fuckin be angelic.

"Shit! Bay-bee I'm so sorry." He apologized.

Husk put an arm on his shoulder and forced a half smile.

"I'm fine Webs. And it ain't your fault." Husk assured as he stood. His wing was bleeding. Good thing they took Leith's car because, there's no way in hell Husk could fly back.

The three demons exited the now completely empty casino and walkwd to Leith's car. Anthony took them back to the hotel. He was so fuckin worried about the bullet but, he had no supplies on him to get it out.

Molly didn't really understand why Anthony was freaking out, weren't sinners immortal too?

"Baby, I'm fine. Not the first time I've taken a bullet. Though, it doesn't hurt a lot more than I remember." He assured. He was holding pressure to the wound so it would stop bleeding until the limo came.

"I'm sure he'll be fine Tony."

Anthony gave his sister very aggressive side eye, as he thought of anything he could do to help Husk.

"Don't even get me started with you Molls. What the hell were you thinking coming here?!" He asked.

Molly raised an eyebrow and crossed her only set of arms.

"Oh okay, so next time I'll just not bail your ass out trouble." She rolled her eyes.

They argued about the situation the entire ride. Husk as in too much pain to even bother trying to make them stop.

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