Eighty One

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Husk was working at the Casino. Anthony and his sister decided to do some shopping. He thought it would be a nice brother sister bonding experience.

The siblings were in some boutique in Pentagram City. They were opposite sides of the store. Anthony had four pairs of shorts, a couple skirts,  some crop tops, draped over his arms for him to try on. He might not be working anymore but, he was frugal with his money when he wasn't spending it on drugs so he didn't have to worry about going broke any time soon. He could always find a different job that doesn't require some douchbag owning him. He wandered around the store. He picked up a few more clothing items he thought were cute at he looked for his sister.

She was sat looking through a clearance rack.

"Molls, I swear to god if ya lookin 'ere cause, you're worried about my money stop ya shit. I'm practically a millionaire. Go find shit ya like, lemme worry bout the price tag." He scolded.

He appreciated the gesture but, she didn't have to just look in the same spot the whole time Anthony would have said so if they were just raiding clearance racks. It is fun to do sometimes but, that's not what they're doing.

She nodded and looked around the store.  There was a dresser had her eye on since they walked in. She wandered over to it and looked at the price tag. She was appalled that such a simple pink velvet dress was so much money.  Anthony saw the dismay in his sister's face and looked at the tag himself. He handed it to her.

"Molly, seriously fity dollas don't even put a dent in my wallet. Not to mention my bank account." He pleaded.

He handed her the dress and told her to keep looking. She felt weird about being paid for. She understood she's not been down here very long and she doesn't need a job cause she's living at the hotel but, she felt shitty letting Anthony pay for her.she found a couple jewelry items she liked that weren't ridiculously priced.  She also found a couple shirts and some skirts she thought were pretty and went into a fitting room.

Anthony continued wandering around the store until something caught his eye. He wandered over towards the lingerie section. What caught his eyes made him think of Husk. He looked through the racks trying to find what the mannequin was displaying. He gasped audibly when he found it.

The bra was spit dyed one cup was white with a black spade symbol. The other cup was black with a red diamond shape. The matching bottoms were white with black lace trim the front had a club symbol and there was a red heart on the ass part.

He went into a dressing room and tried on the very large amount of clothes he had selected. Luckily he knew his size so everything fit just how it was supposed to. Molly waited for him to finish up so they could get in line together. There was only two people ahead of them.

The woman at the register never seen anyone come in here and have enough funds to even think about buying as much as Anthony had, especially including his sisters items. The cashier hesitated but, rang up all the clothes.

"$3,496.54." said the woman. Molly's eyes went wide. Her jaw dropped.

"How much?! Nonono Tony you're crazy!"

Anthony handed the woman four thousand in cash. He was give $503.46 back as his change.

"Don't be ridiculous sis. I've spent over fifty K on a shopping spree before. By myself. Don' worry abou'it." He assured.

He and Molly thanked the cashier. They grabbed the bags and headed out to Husk's car.  Anthony was so grateful the beautiful cat demon trusted him with his car. He drove his sister back to the hotel and walked.in with her. Deciding he should probably pay them a visit.

Molly went up to her room to put her clothes away. Anthony was giving everyone hugs, starting with Niffty and then Charlie. He then got to Leith and Vaggie and quickly realized someone was missing.

"Char-ly...... Where the fuck is Claire?" He wondered.

"Oh shes in heaven now!" The princess cheered.

"Oh good. Did you ever find out why she was down here in the first place?" He asked curiously.

Vaggie chimed in because Charlie had very strong opinions on the situation and was still pissed heaven sent her down here for such a stupid reason.

"Her religion believed suicide is a sin. She jumped off of the Titanic while it was sinking. There weren't any more life boats from, what she told us and Emily during our meeting. She was going to die anyway and she preferred it to be quick rather than waiting for half of a giant boat to sink."

Anthony was dumbfounded.

"That is such bullshit! She's a sweetheart! I wouldn't have stayed on that damn boat either. The fuck?"

Charlie nodded. "That's what I said. Emily agreed.  Why hold such a thing in a situation like hers, against her. They were quick to change her judgement though. Cherri seems to be doing well up there too. She got a puppy. It was so cute I wish we had more cute animals down here." She said.

"You got Keke and Razzle." Leith stated.

"Yeah but dad created Razzle and Keke is a key." She was still very upset about Dazzle's death.

Anthony wondered if he'd ever get a chance at heaven after everything anyway. Sure he got clean, but he also murdered Valentino....... and Arackniss. Though, Val probably alive now, he wasn't sure. Anthony didn't think a beating with an angelic baseball bat was enough to keep him dead when that's not what killed the moth.

Molly came back downstairs. She hugged her brother.

"Thanks for today!"  She cheered.

"Of course Molls. Love ya." Anthony replied. Everyone engulfed him in a big hug before he left.

He drove off to Husk's casino and parked in the parking lot. He made his way upstairs. He lifted Fat Nuggets into his arms after he dropped the bags.

"Hey buddy." He greeted. He went into the kitchen to make sure he still had food which he did so Anthony left that alone. He went into the bedroom and out away all of his clothes except for lingerie set.

He sat on the bet and took out his phone. He texted the Cat demon that he was home.

He imma changed into the outfit and took a few selfies. Some in the mirror, some of him laying in their bed in different poses. He sent them all to Husk.

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