The Departed

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Elena's alarm goes off, she turns up the music and gets out of bed. She pulls her hair up into a ponytail and dances a bit in front of the mirror. She grabs her pom poms and throws them onto the window seat where her cheerleader uniform is laid out. After changing into her uniform, Elena walks downstairs and into the kitchen where Aunt Jenna is making coffee.

"Hey." Jenna smiled.

"Jeremy locked himself in the bathroom again." Elena said, "Does he think we don't know what he's doing in there?"

"He's 14." Jenna shrugged, "They don't think." Elena grabs the coffee pot, but Jenna takes it back. "Hey, you'll get me in trouble."

Miranda walks into the kitchen, "Good morning."

"Morning, mom." Elena smiled. Miranda kisses Elena on the cheek.

Flashback Over

Elena wakes up in a hospital bed and looks around. Melissa and Jeremy are outside her room, observing her.

"She's gonna be fine." Melissa said, "She got a little banged up today, hit her head, but it was just a slight concussion, nothing to worry about."

"But she collapsed, there was blood." Jeremy said.

Melissa turned to face Jeremy, "Honestly, Jeremy, she's okay. She's just... she's been through a lot." Melissa sighed, "Is there anyone you want to call?"

Damon and Stefan are driving towards the Atlantic to dump Klaus' body. Jeremy has called them from the hospital. Damon said, "You did what?"

"I took her to the hospital. When you find your sister unconscious, you call 911."

"Not when you have a parade of vampires at your disposal!" Damon said.

"Every remaining Original is gonna want Elena dead to stop Alaric." Stefan said, "She's a sitting duck in there."

"Well, Melissa wants to keep her here for observation." Jeremy said.

"Jeremy, get Elena home, we're on our way." Damon hangs up on him. He turns to Stefan, "Have I told you lately how much I appreciate you not being the dumbest brother on Earth?"

"You know one of us needs to keep moving, right? If Klaus really is the sire of our bloodline, we need to keep his body hidden before Alaric finds him, kills him, and we all end up dead." Stefan said.

"Our life is one, big proverbial coin toss." Damon rolled his eyes.


Spencer is driving and simultaneously is on the phone. "Jeremy, listen to me. Calm down, I'll talk to Melissa, okay?" Spencer said, "Calm down. Take Elena home and make her get some rest, maybe it's nothing."

"Where are you?" Jeremy asked.

Spencer parked her car and said, "There's just something I need to do, I'll be there in a few hours, alright?"


"Call me if you need anything, okay?" Spencer said and hung up. She looked up to see the Cavanaugh house.

She took a deep breath and knocked before anything could interrupt her this time.

A woman opened the door, she was in a business suit and had long blonde hair and had the same blue eyes as Toby did. Ella, Spencer thought.

"Hi," Spencer said. "You must be Toby's mother, I am Spencer... Hastings." Spencer said, "I am looking for Toby..."

Ella scoffed, "Toby," She yelled. Then she walked away.

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