The Comet

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Spencer Hastings walked into Mystic Falls, her home. She along with her family was in Europe for the past year after the ‘accident.’ The Hastings were just moving back into the Hasting manor. Spencer had missed it home. But now it didn’t feel like home anymore.

Spencer dreaded unpacking so just headed to the Grill. The Grill was the local hang out place for most of the people in Falls. On entering the Grill, Spencer heard someone call her name. She turned around to meet with two brown doe-like eyes; she could recognize these eyes anywhere, Elena Gilbert. Elena and Spencer were good friends before she moved away.

“Spencer Hastings, oh my god,” Caroline Forbes squealed, looking at Spencer with bright eyes. Caroline stood next to Elena.

“Caroline,” Spencer nodded towards Caroline and went to hug her, and then she turned towards Elena who was smiling from ear to ear and hugged her, “Elena,” Spencer said pulling apart from Elena. “How are you both?”

“Great. How have you been?” Elena said grinning.

“Fine,” Spencer lied. Spencer had lost touch with her old friends after the incident in Mystic Falls, last summer.

“You should have called, it’s so weird just running into you here,” Elena said.

“We all kind of lost touch Elena,” Spencer said.

Elena nodded. “I guess that’s what we needed.”

 “So what are you guys doing?” Spencer asked changing the subject.

“We were just thinking of handing out the flyers for The Comet tonight,” Caroline said with a throaty laughter, “but that can totally wait.” She said excitedly. All three girls went and sat at a table. “I went all the dirt on Paris!”

“It was amazing, felt like another world. The Eiffel Tower the culture, the history.” Spencer sighed remembering her life in Paris. But then shook her head, “But now back to the real world. Melissa is moving in too...” Spencer said rolling her eyes, “with her fiancée Wren.”

“Ooo. How is he?” Elena asked.

“Well, he is a doctor so perfect with the Hastings reputation. Melissa met him in med school or something.”

Caroline and Elena chuckled and Spencer looked up to see Bonnie standing there grinning, she went and hugged Spencer and whispered ‘I am glad you are back,’ and joined them.

“So who is this guy anyway?” Spencer asked. The rest of the girls were talking about some guy named, Stefan Salvatore and Elena. Elena wasn’t handling the situation right, she liked him Spencer could tell and of what Bonnie and Caroline said he liked her too.

“OK, what is with the blockage? Just jump his bones already! Ok, it's easy. Boy likes girl, girl likes boy, sex!” Caroline said and Spencer chuckled.

“Profound.” Elena commented. But then smiled and got up.

“Where are you going?” Spencer asked.

“Caroline's right. It is easy. If I sit here long enough, I'll end up talking myself out of it instead of doing what I started the day saying what I was going to do.” Elena smiled and walked away. And the girls looked at each other and chuckled.

Spencer’s eyes went to the purple bracelet she was wearing, it had ‘Spencer’ printed on it. It was a gift from Allison, to all the girls. Spencer wore it most of the times. Bonnie noticed Spencer’s mood change and asked, “It feels like she’s here but not at the same time.”

“She’s gone but she’s everywhere,” Caroline nodded. Spencer felt her throat go sore and couldn’t form sentences so she just nodded.

Later, Spencer was joined by Matt Donavan and Tyler Lockwood. Both Bonnie and Caroline had left to continue giving out flyers. They had invited Spencer but Spencer just wanted to sit for some while.

"You changed my World" Spencer Hastings & Damon SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now