The Return Part 2

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Bonnie is talking with Matt at the hospital the next day. “You've been here all night?”

“Yeah, with the sheriff.” Matt nodded.

“No one else?”

“Stefan's brother Damon stopped by late last night.” Matt said.

“How is Caroline today?” Bonnie asked.

“See for yourself.” Matt smiled. They go in Caroline's room. Caroline is awake and looking completely healthy.

“Jersey Shore's on.” Caroline smiled. Bonnie embraces her, “Careful, still a little sore.”

Bonnie smiled, “Sorry.”

“Its okay but they say I'm healing really quick.” Caroline said.

“My turn.” Matt said and leaned down to kiss her.

Bonnie cries from joy.

“Oh, isn't he cute? Why are you crying?” Caroline asked Bonnie.

“I'm just happy you're okay.”

“Oh, I love you guys!” Caroline smiled.

“We love you.” Bonnie said wiping her tears. The three of them embrace each other.


Spencer walked into her room and sat down. She saw a picture of her mother and her on the mirror along with others. She picked up that picture and examined it. She picked up her diary and began writing.

‘Dear Diary,

Oscar Wilde once said Children begin by loving their parents, as they grow older they judge them and sometimes they forgive them.” I guess Oscar Wilde was right about our parents, you know. We love them, we judge them and hopefully, we forgive them. I find myself doing all of those things or all three of them and if I’m lucky, maybe they’ll do the same for me.



Carol Lockwood is talking with Sheriff Forbes and Damon. “I want to know exactly who's responsible for killing my husband.”

“I'm looking into it but you have to be straight with me. Is there any reason Richard was affected by the vampire device?” Sheriff asked.

“What are you implying? That he was one of them?” Carol glared at the Sheriff.

“No, no. No one's implying that.” Damon stepped in.

“Your deputy screwed up, plain and simple which makes you responsible.”

“Carol...” Damon said.

“Your husband is the one who helped John Gilbert execute his idiot plan in the first place.”

“Liz...” Damon said.

“Someone got my husband killed.” Carol cried.

“We're all on edge here. You've suffered a great loss. The whole town has. We have to stick together, okay? Trust each other, we'll get through this.” Damon yelled.

Tyler is at the front door, greeting guests. A big jeep drives up to the front of the mansion and a man steps out. “So the black sheep returns.”


“Yeah.” Tyler nods.

“What happened to you? In my mind you're twelve years old.”

“Then that's two years older than the last time you saw me, Uncle Mason.” Tyler said. They embrace each other.

"You changed my World" Spencer Hastings & Damon SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now