~ Chapter 8 ~

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[Baekhyun Perspective]

Chanyeol just confessed to me. Is this his true feelings or is this out of guilt? Ugh. I'm so confused. I mean he did say he changed for me. Ugh. I don't know.



"Chanyeol confessed to me."

"I heard."

"But I don't know if it's his true feeling or out of guilt."

"Trust your heart Baekhyun, that's all I am going to say."

"But I'm so confused. I told him to give me time to process all this but I'm so confused."

"Baek, don't overthink it, let it flow with your heart."

"Luhan, you're not helping."

"I never said I was going to help you." And with that Luhan left, leaving me more confused then before.

[Chanyeol's Perspective]

Oh gosh. Was I too straight forward? I hope he says yes. Fricken Sehun making me so confused I can literally throw myself in a cage of lions and somehow still manage to survive, that's how confused I am.

"UGH. DAMN YOU OH SEHUN AND FUCK YOU DUMB HEART." I laid on my bed screaming until I fell asleep.

*Next Morning*

"Baekhyun." The first person I think of when I woke up. Will I get an answer today? Ugh. I hope so.

*At School*

Oh my gosh. There's Baekhyun coming this way right now.

"Uhm Chanyeol." He said quietly. "Can I talk to you in private."

"Yea sure." I didn't care about the weird looks we were getting when we walked to the roof, I just wanted to know his answer. 

"Chanyeol." He said once we made it to the roof making the situation a little more serious then it already was. "I return your feelings but -"

"Really? You return the feelings? Thank you." I said cutting him off and hugged him in a tight embrace.

"You didn't let me finish." He said struggling to get out of my embrace. His face turned a slight shade of pink.

"Oh yea, Sorry." I said releasing him plastering a big creepy smile on my face.

"As I was saying, I return your feelings but please don't hurt me."

"I would never do that ever again, I swear on my life."

[Baekhyun's Perspective]

"I would never do that ever again, I swear on my life."

I felt a little relief and reassured that Chanyeol really did share feelings for me and that he was speaking the truth and that it wasn't just some thing he did because he felt guilty for what he did.

[Chanyeol's Perspective]

"Congratulations!!" I heard someone say and turned around to see Sehun and Luhan coming from behind the wall on the roof.

"You guys are official now ^-^ " Luhan said.

"Cute Couple you two." Sehun said.

"Oh shut up Oh Sehun." I shot back at him.

"Don't be rude!" Baekhyun said and smacked me in the arm. "Yes Luhan we are and thank you Sehun."

Woah. I was amazed at Baekhyun's manner and how did he transform from being so shy to being a complete diva so fast. No clue. No clue.

~ WE ALMOST HAD IT ~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang