~ Chapter 49 ~

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[Chanyeol's Perspective]

"Text me when he wakes up, just don't let him know I was here." I told Luhan as I gathered my stuff to leave.

"Chanyeol, don't you think this is too much?" He asked me.

I looked at him and tears dwell up in my eyes. I hissed at myself because I hated to cry in front of people.

"Then what am I suppose to do?" My voice croaked. "My parents will hurt him."

"They're not, you are." He replied.

"I'd rather see him alive, he'll move on." I told him and continued to gather my stuff.

"He is a walking corpse right now. What do you mean alive?"

"As long as he is walking and breathing on earth without any harm or threat..."

"He is a threat to himself." Luhan stated. I stopped in my tracks and turn to Luhan.

"Please protect him in my place."

I left the room and drove back home. Luhans words continuously echoes through my head;
'He is a walking corpse.'
'He is a threat to himself.'

"SHUT UP!!" I screamed and slammed my hands on the wheel.

"I'm crazy! Totally insane." I told myself and chuckled. The tears streamed down my checks and I yelled out loud until the anger inside of me temporally disappeared.

I once again when to the bar to drink my heart out but no matter how much I drink I couldn't get him out of my head.

I went home, not drunk but fairly mad. I knocked everything over, breaking vases and glass.

"Chanyeol! Stop!" My mom shrieked.

"Baekhyun, because of you guys, do you know what I am putting him through?" I yelled and cried.

"Park Chanyeol!" My dad slapped me hard across the cheek. "That's no way to speak to your mother!"

"Mother? I had stopped being your son since the day you broke us apart." I told them and walked upstairs to lock myself in my room.


I updated but yet again it is short,
I am building my way to the ending.
Sorry for errors.
Please continue to vote and comment.
Bye lovely humans <3

~ WE ALMOST HAD IT ~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt