~ Chapter 44 ~

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[Baekhyuns Perspective]

It's been a week now since we broke up and I miss him so much. I miss his arms around me, his lips, his stare, his touch, his smile, his laugh, his voice, I miss him. I miss waking up to him, I miss him teasing me, I miss going to school together.

It's been a week but it felt like a year. I haven't been going to school neither have I been feeling well.

I still have the promise ring he gave me a week ago, I still remember all his promises and I still remember mine.

All his words. It felt as if he knew we were going to break up. He told me to wait for him no matter what. He was acting strange lately.. un normal.

What does he mean? What was he hiding?

*Ding Dong*

Someone's here? Is it Chanyeol? Could it be? I jumped off my bed and ran quickly to the door and opened it.


"Baek! Are you ok? You haven't been to school for a whole week, you got me so worried."

"I'm ok. It's just-"

"You don't have to explain. I know everything."

"Luhan ... I just miss him so much." I told him at the verge to cry.

"It's ok." He comforted me and hugged me.

"I can't handle this. I can't accept the truth. I love him Luhan."  I cried.

"Baek. Let's go eat first. You've gotten thinner."

[Luhans Perspective]

*Ding Dong*

I rang Baekhyun's doorbell and waited for him. He hasn't been to school and it has gotten me worried sick. I wasn't the only one worried.


He sounded so surprised when he opened the door. Was he expecting Chanyeol? Probably.

"Baek! Are you ok? You haven't been to school for a whole week, you got me so worried."

He looked so fragile and broken. He had gotten thinner too. Has he eaten yet?

"I'm ok. It's just-"

"You don't have to explain. I know everything."

I did know everything that has happened. Chanyeol told me.


-at school-

Where's Baekhyun? He hasn't been in school. Is he sick? Chanyeols probably taking good care of him, I'll ask him later.

"Chanyeol!" I called out to him.

He had a cold expression on his face.

"Ah~ Luhan."

"Baekhyun hasn't been in school.. Is he doing well?" I asked.

"I don't know." He replied. At first there was a hint of a worried expression but it quickly changed back.

What's going on? Did they fight?

"What do you mean? You're his boy-"


"You broke up with him?" I gasped in disbelief.

He just nodded and shoved his hand in his pocket.

"What's going on. You guys were... Don't you love him?"

With the mention of the word 'love', Chanyeols expression changed. He looked hurt, full of guilt and pain.

"I do." He whispered.

"Then tell me what is going on. Now!" I demanded.

"My parents.. They don't approve."

"That's it? Just your parents?"

"I have to get married to Kim Taeyeon and my parents threaten to hurt Baekhyun if I don't leave him."

"Then protect him you idiot."

"Do you think I haven't tried?" He shot back and began walking. "Just please visit Baekhyun and make sure he's alright."

*end of flashback*

"Luhan ... I just miss him so much." He said as tears dwell up in his eyes.

Baekhyun, he misses you too.

"It's ok." I comforted him and hugged him.

"I can't handle this. I can't accept the truth. I love him Luhan."  He cried.

Chanyeol loves you too. He's just trying to protect you.

"Baek. Let's go eat first. You've gotten thinner."

~ WE ALMOST HAD IT ~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt