~ Chapter 25 ~

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[Baekhyuns Perspective] it's going to be his for awhile..

I woke up with 2 arms around me and immediately knew who it belonged too. I snuggled in closer until I literally buried my head in his chest. I don't know. It's like our thing now. We would sleep like this. He securing his arm around me while I bury my head in his chest.

I sniff in his scent and it was so irresistible. He smelt so sweet. His loud breathing could be heard and his breathe tickled my hair. I looked up and saw the peaceful sleeping Chanyeol. He's so cute I thought and blushed.

We just lied there for awhile until I thought it was time to get up and get ready.

"Love, it is time to get up." I said shaking him lightly, I was still lying next to him.

"Baby." I said again trying to get him to wake up.

"Mhm~" he yawned and opened his eyes.

"Morning!" I said and smiled.

"Morning." He said back and leaned down to kiss me.

"Let's get ready so we can go to school." I said.

"You use the restroom first, I'll get your clothes." He replied.

"Want to use it together..?" I asked quietly and I blushed.

"Go on in first and I'll join you when I get the clothes." He said with a smirk and kiss my forehead.

I just nodded.

I went in and turn on the shower waiting for Chanyeol. After awhile, not too long, Chanyeol finally came in with both our clothes. He quickly took off his pjs and went into the shower with me.

At first I was kinda nervous so I faced the other way so he wouldn't see me but he spun me around.

"Don't hide yourself." He whispered to my ear. "You're beautiful."

I blushed and slapped him lightly on the shoulder.

"I'll do your hair." He said and chuckled and applied shampoo to my hair.

After we were done using the restroom, we went down to eat breakfast. Chanyeol is such a good cook, I can eat his food all day.

"Thanks Channie." I said.

"Anything for you." He said and winked, which caused me to blush again for the like the 100th time this morning.

We ate and Luhan picked us up to go to school. When we arrived Chanyeol immediately grabbed my hand. I think it was because of yesterday. Well, being careful won't hurt I guess.

"Let's go." He said and pulled me to 1st period.

We both sat down and he sat behind me so I had to turn around to talk to him.

"Channie, let's go somewhere after school."


"I don't know. Anywhere."

"Ok. We'll see."

I smiled at him and turned around just in time when Luhan and Kyungsoo came in.

"Hey guys!" I said and wave.

"Hey Baek." They both said and smiled.

They both sat down and short moments after the teacher came in.

"Morning class!" She said.

"Morning!" They class replied.

"We have a new student in this class today."


This was a boring update. Nothing happened. Sorry.
Bye lovely humans

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