~ Chapter 38 ~

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[Third Person]

Baekhyun woke up the next morning and got ready for school, forgetting his mom was in the house with him.

He jumped in the shower and relaxed a bit so he can fully wake up. He got dressed and went downstairs surprised to see his mom.

"Mom!" He shrieked due to shock.

"Calm down, I'm not going to kill you."

"I forgot you came to visit." He said and slowly sat down.

"Forgetting your mom because of your boyfriend?"

"No. It's not that. It's just, I just woke up and I don't quite remember everything."

"Excuses. Excuses." She said handing him his food.

"I miss your food mom~."

"Aish. Just hurry up and go to school."

Baekhyun began walking to school. He took out his earbuds and plugged them in. He was peacefully listening to music until a certain giant disturbed him.

"Baby!" The taller called out and hugged the older from behind.

The older was startled but loosened up when he recognize the familiar touch. He took out his earbuds and turned around, facing the taller.

"Don't ever scare me like that,"

"Ah but don't you like it?"

"Not when I'm in the streets with earbuds in my ear."

"Sorry.. I just couldn't wait." The taller said, rubbing the nape of his neck.

"Let's just continue to walk to school."

The two continued to walk to school and both went to class and sat down.

A while later, more students began walking in sitting down in their assigned seats.

"Hi Baekhyun." Taeyeon said and sat down.


The awkwardness between them didn't die down but instead fear grew.

Taeyeon passed a note to Baekhyun. She folded the paper neatly so the teacher won't be able to see it.

Baekhyun read the front; "Only For Baekhyun".

He carefully opened the note and read it.

"Leave Chanyeol alone because you know I am capable of anything. P.S. I always get what I want."

His insides turned as the scene of him without Chanyeol popped inside his head.

He quickly wrote back to her; "Do whatever you'd like because you won't be able to separate us."

Baekhyun knows that nothing can separate their relationship because he knows it's strong and he trusts Chanyeol.

Conflict was going back and forward from Baekhyun and Taeyeon while Chanyeol sat in the back confused and curious about what the two may be doing but he knows Baekhyun needs his privacy and space and all Chanyeol needed to do was trust the other.

The taller couldn't take it anymore and got up from his seat and walked up to the two.

He pulled Baekhyun by the wrist out of class.

"I'm hungry. Let's go it."

"Pabo! Class isn't over. We didn't get dismissed."

"One day is going to be fine, we aren't going to get expel for leaving class early."

"Whatever Park Chanyeol."


This update is short too..
But how do you like this Chapter/Story so far?
It isn't that good..
See you next time!
Thank you for reading and voting<3

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