~ Chapter 67 ~

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[Chanyeols Perspective]

I opened my eyes to a white ceiling. Someone was touching me up and down and it confused the heck out of me.

Did i get kidnapped? Where am I?

I turned my head and saw Baekhyun. The love of my life standing there with a hope and joy in his eyes.

I turned my head to the right and saw Sehun my best friend and Jungkook my childhood friend.

I looked at who was touching me and saw a doctor.

What happened to me and why am I here?

I tried to sit up but the doctor pushed me back down.

There was a banging pain in the back of my head.

"I need you to calm down so i can check on you." The doctor said and i laid back down.

"My head.. it hurts a lot." I said and held my head.

"Of course, you just woke up from a really long nap." He replied and continued checking up on me.

"How's he doing doctor?" Baekhyun asked.

"For now, he's ok however we won't know for sure until we do a few scans on him."

"Ok thank you!"

"Make sure he gets plenty of rest and eat plenty of food to gain back his energy."

"Yes doctor."

"Oh and if his headache worsens please alert us." He told Baekhyun and walk out with 2 other nurses.

Baekhyun looked at me and i just smiled. He was so beautiful, i don't know what to do.

I then glanced over at Sehun and he was sending me cold, hurtful dagger eyes.


"Yeah! It's me Seahoon! You fucking asshole!"

"I'm sorry man, even though i don't really remember much."

"Well how much do you really remember?"

"I was driving Baekhyun and I.. I had a surprise for him. I -" I clenched onto my head. It hurts and it is stopping me from remembering.

"Shh. Baby it's ok. You don't have to remember." Baekhyun went to my side and sooth me, which helped me a lot.

"I love you and miss you so much." I told him.

"Me too Love"


"I'm here too buddy."

"Hey Kookie."

"Glad you still remember Chan."

"Of course I do, the three of us where like the 3 musketeers."

"ahah that's true."


Yes, I know it's been awhile since i updated.

i got really busy with school.

i just started freshman year so i am still getting use to it.

not easy keeping up but i managed.

so sorry!

i'll try and update more often

thank you for not leaving and continuing to wait

it means a lot to me

i love you guys

bye lovely humans!

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