~ Chapter 15 ~

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[Chanyeol's Perspective]

Hm?  Baekhyun forgot his phone here.

"Nurse Choi? I'll be right back after returning this to Baekhyun. He shouldn't be far he just left."

"Ok. Hurry Chanyeol, you aren't feeling well, you need the rest."

" ^-^ ok" I said and gave her my famous smile.

I quickly left and decided to back hug Baekhyun to surprise him but someone else decides to do the favor.

"Taehyun? What are you doing here?" Baekhyun asked and turned around breaking their hug.

"I missed you!" He said reconnecting the hug.

What the heck is going on? Why is he hugging Baekhyun? My Baekhyun. Chanyeol. Breathe. They're probably close friends reuniting. Yeah. That's right. Close friends.

"Baekhyun." I said walking towards him, I can see that Taehyun guy slowly letting Baekhyun go. "You forgot your phone back there."

"Oh thanks Channie." He said wrapping his arms around my waist.

[Taehyuns Perspective] (yea I kinda regretted putting in a mystery guy bc I couldn't think of a guy but yea Taehyun)

"Oh thanks Channie." Baekhyun said wrapping his arm around that no good giant. Uhm. Baekhyun, I'm like right here.

"Chanyeol this is my friend from my old school, Taehyun." He said. "And Taehyun this is my boyfriend Chanyeol."

"Ahh nice to meet you." The giant said giving me this big goofy grin.

"Yea you too." I said, I'm going to wipe that grin off your face soon, just watch and see, Baekhyun belongs to me.

"Babe go get some rest and I'll see you later, ok?" Baekhyun said. Babe? You use to call me that did you forget already?

After Chanyeol left it was only me and Baekhyun. All by ourselves.

"Babe? Boyfriend?" I said looking straight at Baekhyuns eyes.

"Yea. Taehyun, we broke up along time ago and I moved on and I thought you did too." Baek said avoiding eye contact. I pulled his face up so we can make eye contact again.

"Moved on? Did you know what happened after you left? All the attention came to me, the victim's 'ex boyfriend'" I said as tears threatened to fall down. "I was all alone. No one. NO ONE HELPED ME, and you're here with that big ass boyfriend of yours all happy while I'm suffering because of you!"

"T-Taehyun. I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I was just trying to escape hell." Baekhyun said and he seemed so scared.

"Escape? You escape by replacing someone else as you?" I said still looking at him. "Did you even loved me? Or did you use me to find shelter?"

"Taehyun! Don't question my love! I did love you! With all my heart and soul, but we just weren't meant to be." He said and looked away again.

[Chanyeols Perspective]

What the hell is going on? Taehyun is Baekhyuns ex? Why didn't Baekhyun tell me? Did Baekhyun just lie to me?" These thoughts were just running around in my head until everything went black. Pitch black.

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